Get more students in your course ... without spending all of your time marketing.

Stop wasting time on marketing strategies that aren't right for your business.

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You've put in the work to create an amazing course that you KNOW is going to help your students get big wins and see true results.

You spend hours creating the course, designing and writing copy for your sales page, setting up a welcome email sequence, your cart system, and all of your needed Zaps. 

Only to officially announce your course is available for sale without getting a single bite. 

So you decide to run a big launch. And similarly to when you initially set up the course, you spend hours writing all of the copy you need, designing the visuals, and creating your launch strategy. 

Only to get a trickle of students instead of the massive launch you were expecting to be able to celebrate. 

Maybe an evergreen model will be more successful than opening and closing the doors. So you update all of your launch materials to create a more evergreen format. 

Once again spending hours upon hours only to see minimal results.

Finally you start to wonder if being a course creator is even for you. Maybe you're just bad at it?

You're tired of putting so much effort into marketing without seeing results.

This is ALL possible. Just take the quiz —I'll show you how!

More eyes on your sales page = more students in your course. (As long as you're getting in front of ideal students!)

Actually fill your course with students.

The more new people you can get to check out your website, the more sales you're going to see.

Make money passively from your website

Stop rolling a ball up the hill over and over again, and start seeing that ball roll on it's own instead.

Finally capture momentum in your business.

What If You Could .... 

woah, that's true.

You're not getting in front of enough people because you're focused on only ONE type of marketing - nurture marketing. When the only marketing you're doing is putting out content, you're not growing your audience. You're simply nurturing the audience you already have.

At the end of the day, business and marketing is a numbers game. The more people that hear about you, the more sales you'll make.

But you feel like you're constantly marketing and seeing no results. What gives?

It's not that your course isn't amazing. It's that you aren't getting the course in front of enough potential students.

Take the Quiz

You can fill seats in your course without spending all of your time marketing. 

You just have to focus on the growth strategies that are right for your business.

See your marketing yield results (hello new students!), and spend your new free time pouring into those students.

Start Seeing Results

Choose from DIY, Done With You, or Done For You help and let's get to work simplifying your marketing!

Choose Your Path

Answer these 5 questions and learn which marketing strategies will work best for your current phase of business.

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Get Started Filling More Seats in Your Course Today

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Originally a classroom teacher, I started my own business creating courses on simple living, routines, and capsule wardrobes. Soon I realized that I absolutely loved launching and strategic marketing - and combined with my passion for educating, plus a natural knack for organization (hi! 1w2 over here 👋), I was the perfect person to help other course creators showcase how they can help potential students.

And now? I've spent 5 years helping countless course creators and online educators grow their businesses and fill seats in their courses through strategic marketing and copywriting.

My favorite part of what I do isn't the monetary wins for my clients and students (although heck yeah we celebrate those over here 🎉), but the visible relief I can see wash over my students and clients while we work together. Shoulders that were tense slowly lowering. Postures relaxing. And smiles coming a whole lot easier. Those are the biggest wins for me as an educator and strategist.

And I want to help you feel that same relief. So, take the quiz and then choose your adventure - whether you want to DIY your marketing, have it Done With You, or Done For You ... I have something for you!

author · speaker · educator · cat lady

You found your strategist!

you can stop looking...

Meet  Amanda!

Learn the marketing strategies that will work best for your business, so you can spend less time marketing and more time pouring into your students. 

Stop wasting your valuable marketing time and start filling more seats in your course.

Take the Quiz