Done With you Content Marketing Strategy

Take the Brain Power
Out of Your Content

You've got clients to serve, digital offers to create and launch, and a business to run. You understand the importance of content marketing (hello, low-cost high-impact!), but it's not your "thing". And frankly, you barely have time to create the content, let alone think strategically about how what you should be creating.

If only someone could just give you marching orders.

You'd love nothing more than to have someone else tell you what to talk about, and when and where to show up. To give you a plan that you can execute on (or hand off to your team members to execute on for you!). To worry about what matters, and what doesn't. And to think strategically about how to best position your content so that you're continuing to building and nurture relationships with your audience that will convert.

i see you...

You're tired of the never ending content  hamster wheel, and you want to do your work without worrying about marketing. 

Directly uploaded to your platform of choice whether you work within:

  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets
  • Trello
  • Asana
  • ClickUp
  • Airtable
  • ... and more!

Creating content is a snap when you already have your topic, hook and call to action determined for you.

Never start your content creation from a blank screen again!

Book Your spot


$500/month for 12 Months

+ 12 months of 1:1 content strategy
+ 4 quarterly strategy sessions
+ Customized content marketing plans for each quarter
+ In-depth analytic review
+ 1:1 Voxer access to Amanda for quick strategy discussion on the go 
+ Copy and content submission for review and feedback

what's included

Our strategy calls happen over Zoom each quarter! We'll also check in and communicate regularly over Voxer and through Honeybook!

Quarterly Content Strategy 

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Just need help with one marketing project? Check out my VIP day option might be a great option!

Two Packages to choose from:

+ Monthly marketing strategy calls
+ Customized content marketing plans for each month
+ Full content copywriting each month
+ In-depth analytic review
+ 1:1 Voxer access to Amanda for quick strategy discussion on the go 
+ Copy and content submission for review and feedback

what's included

We'll meet once a month to discuss strategy. Copy will delivered each month according to the schedule we set together. 

Monthly Strategy & Copy




Just need help with one marketing project? Check out my VIP day option might be a great option!

Want to Chat First?

Book a Discovery Call!

What a Client Has to Say About the Investment ....

Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...

Email Marketing Educator

Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...

Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...


Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...

Just a sampling of past client industries ...

Yes, I work with a variety of industries!


Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...

Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...


Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...

Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...


Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...

Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...


Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...

Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...


Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...

Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...


Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...

Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...


Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...

Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...


Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...

Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...


Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...

Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...


Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...

Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...


Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...

Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...


Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...

Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...


Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...

Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...


Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...

Yes, I work with a variety of industries!

Just a sampling of past client industries ...


Rather than hand over a generic content plan, we'll meet together so that I can intimately get to know your business, your mission, and your messaging. This also allows you to give feedback as we create so that you never look at your plan and think "this isn't me, and not what I want to be talking about".

done with you 

If you're looking for someone to help with going viral, or seeing mega-growth, I'm not the strategist for you. My focus is to help you build relationships with the audience you already have. Will that lead to growth? Absolutely. But this strategy is setting you up for consistency and sustainability instead of worrying about virality.

relationship oriented

From when and where you're posting, to your messaging, your content plan will be created in full through the lens of simplicity. This benefits not only you (or your team), but your audience as well.


3 Ways My Approach is Different...

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Clarity around their messaging and offers.

Consistency in their content.

Accountability to stick to a plan.

Increased revenue.

More engagement from their audience.

More successful launches.

More time and capacity to work on their business goals.

Results my clients see...

"Working with Amanda was by far the best investment I have made in my business. She is so well organized, thought out, and helpful in her services. I truly never felt like I was alone when working on my goals or when I was in the middle of launching." — Mindy H.

"I felt so much more planned, strategic, and put together in my business."


"Having someone else's perspective is huge - because I'm a one woman show - but I need hand holding for accountability more than anything else." — Kate Taramykin, Brand Photographer

"I can come up with a plan ... but I don't do it."

"While we often have concepts and ideas, she was able to make a cohesive series of podcast episodes with clear, natural (aka unforced) calls-to-action for our listeners. Amanda is really amazing at weaving together her knowledge of your business, your audience, and your work habits." — Nicole Boucher & Yasmine Spencer, Pixie Dust & Profits

"Amanda took a large portion of the content ideation and tasking off our hands." 

"Working with Amanda on content creation and strategy helped me narrow my niche, focus my messaging so I was reaching the right clients, and allowed me to have more fun each month on actually making my content." - Jennifer Gregson, Tarot Coach for Writers

"My favorite part was brainstorming ideas and see the data/analysis."

"My revenue has increased over twice from last year. Yes, there are a lot of factors, but I think related to our work together - the confidence I got working with Amanda and leaning into my authentic voice in marketing was crucial to my growth." — Amy Scott, Financial Coach for Badass, Purpose-Driven Women

"Now I have a clear plan and I trust myself to execute the plan."

"Before working with Amanda I took it month by month without much of a big plan. I would switch ideas and plans if I didn't feel like something was working. With Amanda, a more detailed plan held me accountable to the big vision. My messaging became more focused." — Abby Myette, Success Coach for Busy Women

"Working with Amanda made marketing something I didn't dread."

"Working with Amanda was by far the best investment I have made in my business. She is so well organized, thought out, and helpful in her services. I truly never felt like I was alone when working on my goals or when I was in the middle of launching." — Mindy Hancock, Coach for Anxious, Overachieving Women

"I felt so much more planned, strategic, and put together in my business."

"I was looking for ways to do more in my business, but conserve my energy for my family and me. I've learned to say no more often. I've freed up my schedule to add more white space. Now I give my kids and husband my best self, rather than the tired, drained side of me." — Darcie M., Green Bites Project

"I give my kids and husband my best self, rather than the tired, drained side of me."

"I feel so much calmer and more focused now. I'm not distracted worrying about what needs to be done for my blog or how far behind I am. During the day I can focus on my job as a mom and during blog time I can focus on meaningful tasks that will bring results." — Sarah H., Sarah Ever After Blog

"I can focus on meaningful tasks that will bring results."

Originally a classroom teacher, I started my own business creating courses on simple living, routines, and capsule wardrobes. Soon I realized that I absolutely loved launching and strategic marketing - and combined with my passion for educating, plus a natural knack for organization (hi! 1w2 over here 👋), I was the perfect person to help other course creators showcase how they can help potential students.

And now? I've spent 5 years helping countless course creators and online educators grow their businesses and fill seats in their courses through strategic marketing and copywriting.

My favorite part of what I do isn't the monetary wins for my clients and students (although heck yeah we celebrate those over here 🎉), but the visible relief I can see wash over my students and clients while we work together. Shoulders that were tense slowly lowering. Postures relaxing. And smiles coming a whole lot easier. Those are the biggest wins for me as an educator and strategist.

And I want to help you feel that same relief. So let's chat about working together!

author · speaker · educator · cat lady

You found your strategist!

you can stop looking...

Meet  Amanda!

What would it be like if your content marketing was working FOR you instead of the other way around?

Let's start creating strategic content, save you time and mental energy, and make space for you to work on moving the needle in your business while your marketing works in the background.

Let's chat about working together!

take the first step. (it's easy!)

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Fill out my application to learn more about working together, and get the conversation started. No strings attached!

Simplify your Marketing, Build Your Network, and Take ACTION on What You're Learning

A membership like no other, The Community's unique quarterly themes system was designed to uphold those three pillars - giving you the opportunity to learn, yes, but also to take action on what you're learning! 

Join us inside for better marketing without the overwhelm! 

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