
My Favorite

Welcome to my virtual home! I wish I could welcome you with a warm cup of coffee ....

But instead how about I share some of my favorite resources for uncomplicating your marketing and biz?

favorite tools for managing business as a solopreneur

Favorite Tools

14 Day Free Trial

An all-in-one software, Kartra does everything from email management, to membership hosting, to sales and more!


Get trello for free

Without Trello, I'd never be able to manage all of the projects and to-do items for two businesses as a solopreneur!


save 50% on first year!

Designed as a Client Relationship Management tool, I also use Honeybook to manage podcast guests, and more!


7-day Free Trial

The content scheduling tool that keeps me off of the hamster wheel, and frees up my time each month for projects!


Buy Now

Madison Dearly's Business Budget Spreadsheet is what every entrepreneur needs to keep track of their income/expenses!


Order Now

While I love Trello for project management, I'm a pen and paper gal when it comes to calendar and schedule management.

day designer

Yeti Blue // For podcasting mic

 // For recording solo

Zoom // For recording interviews

Honeybook// For scheduling interviews

Blubrry // For podcast hosting 

Plann // For scheduling social media and Pinterest

Google Drive // For content creation/writing

Chasing Simple Content Planner // For content planning

Content Tools

you'll love

Creating Content Taking Forever? This audio training covers 8 ways you can create content more quickly without sacrificing quality. 

8 Tips for Faster Content Creation Audio Training

This guide will walk you through the 8 emails you should be sending to your waitlist before your next course launch in order to build hype and sales momentum before doors even open!

Waitlist Email Guide

From business to simplified living books, these are the reads I keep coming back to and recommend to everyone I know!

What's On My Bookshelf

Simplify your Marketing, Build Your Network, and Take ACTION on What You're Learning

A membership like no other, The Community's unique quarterly themes system was designed to uphold those three pillars - giving you the opportunity to learn, yes, but also to take action on what you're learning! 

Join us inside for better marketing without the overwhelm! 

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