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Business goals overshadowing your personal goals?
I have been oh so very impatiently sitting on this interview for MONTHS. Batching guest episodes just twice a year is amazing for my time management, but it is a major practice in patience – which I’ll fully admit is not one of my strengths.
Today I’m joined by my amazing student, client, and friend – Laken Edwards to talk all about goals.
After graduating from the University of Texas, Laken Edwards moved to New York City and by day, she is an associate of the Society of Actuaries at a large life insurance company. Outside of work, she is focused on personal goal setting and sharing her journey with others. Laken helps thousands of women work towards achieving their own personal goals each week through her popular YouTube Channel, Patreon community, and by conducting Goal Setting Workshops across the country.
If you’re here, that means you’re probably a business owner. And we all know that I LOVE talking about business. But a side-effect of loving and focusing so much on my business is that my personal goals? They can tend to take a backseat to my business goals.
Which is why I’ve brought in Laken to talk about how not to do that. Of course, we do talk business (I am who I am, after all), but she’s here today to share how you can not allow your personal goals to be overshadowed by your business goals. She’s also sharing exactly you can get started with achieving your goals after you’ve done all that work to set them.
You’re listening to the Chasing Simple podcast, and I’m your host – Amanda Warfield. Trust me, you’re going to love this episode. Let’s dive in.
Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
- Take the first lesson in Club Content Batching – for free!
- Learn more about Accelerate Your Goals
- This week’s action step: Pick a small step that feels silly and start there!
- This week’s book recommendation: The Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi
- Find us on Instagram and tell us you completed this week’s action step: @mrsamandawarfield and @planwithlaken

After graduating from the University of Texas, Laken Edwards moved to New York City and by day, she is an associate of the Society of Actuaries at a large life insurance company. Outside of work, she is focused on personal goal setting and sharing her journey with others. Laken helps thousands of women work towards achieving their own personal goals each week through her popular YouTube Channel, Patreon community, and by conducting Goal Setting Workshops across the country.
Laken’s Website
Plan with Laken Youtube Channel
Goals with Laken Patreon Community
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Rather Read? – Here’s the Transcript!
*Just a heads up – the provided transcript is likely to not be 100% accurate.
Amanda: I have been, oh, so very impatiently setting on this interview for months. Batching
guests episodes just twice a year is amazing for my time management, but it is a major
practice in patience, which I will fully admit that is not one of my strengths. Today I am
joined by my amazing student client and friend Laken Edwards to talk all about goals after
graduating from the University of Texas, Laken Edwards, moved to New York City. And by
day she’s an associate of the society of actuaries at a large life insurance company, outside
of work, she’s focused on personal goal setting and sharing her journey with others. Laken
helps thousands of women work towards achieving their own personal goals each week
through her popular YouTube channel Patreon community, and by conducting goal-setting
workshops across the country.
And if you’re here, that means that you’re probably a business owner and we all know that I
love talking about business, but a side effect of loving and focusing so much on my business
is that my personal goals, they can tend to take a back seat to my business goals, which is
why I’ve brought in Laken to talk all about how to not do just that. And of course we do talk
business because I am who I am after all. But she’s here today to share how you can not
allow your personal goals to be overshadowed by your business goals. She’s also sharing
exactly how you can get started with achieving your goals. After you’ve done all that work,
set them. You’re listening to the Chasing Simple Podcast. And I’m your host, Amanda
Warfield. Trust me. You’re going to love this episode. Let’s dive in.
Hey Laken I am so thinking excited to have you on as a guest. Why don’t you go ahead and
tell us a little bit about yourself and what it is that you do.
Laken : Thank you so much, Amanda. I’m so excited to be here. I am Laken, it rhymes with
bacon. For those of you who don’t know me, and you can find me at Plan With Laken on all
the places.
That is what I started over five years ago. At this point, it started as just an Instagram and a
place for me to share my plans and my planner and get inspiration from other people. And
over the last five years, it’s really grown into an actual business and that, that was never
really my intention, but it has just. Become such a big part of my life. And I’m so, so thankful
for that. My focus over at Plan With Laken is to help you achieve your unique personal goals.
I think that we can get so caught up in the day to day and whether it’s life or business or
family or work. And , we set aside our personal goals and our personal growth. And so I am
on a mission. To help overextended women really dig deep and focus on those personal
goals again, and I do that via a YouTube channel. I have a Patreon community, and then I
hang out a lot on Instagram.
Amanda: And I love that your, your focus is so specific now and also for all of us that run
businesses, it can be really easy to only focus on our business goals. I know I’m constantly
having to limit the lines of my power sheets, of how many I can allow for business goals. So
I’m really excited to dive into that. But when you first started your business, I know that you
didn’t have a super specific focus. Can you tell us a little bit about what that looked like?
Laken : Yeah. So I decided to start a YouTube channel a couple of years back. My now fiance
at the time boyfriend had started a new job and he was working a lot. And I suddenly had
like this free time, that was no longer being spent with him. And I wanted to fill that time.
And I’d been thinking about starting a YouTube channel for a long time. So started a channel
and I was. All over the place. I posted videos about so many different things. I didn’t really
have a focus and I just thought that I, it was for fun and I didn’t really want to niche down. I
just wanted to post what I wanted to post and I didn’t really want to have a focus.
And so I, I didn’t. And. If I wanted to just keep doing it for fun. Sure. That probably would
have worked for a long time. But once I started to transition and realized that I wanted to
treat it like a business and create a business and not just something that I did as more of a
hobby, I feel like I really needed to niche down and pick a focus. And so I started to get a feel
for what people responded to as well as what I liked talking about and what I liked teaching
on what was something that I felt competent and comfortable. Teaching. I always wanted to
be a teacher. Like I know that that is that’s your past life. And I always wanted to be a
teacher, but I never actually did it. And so I feel like finally niching down on a topic allowed
me to then start teaching as opposed to just sharing my own life. That before I niched down,
that’s what I did. I shared my own life. I shared my own story. And then once I picked a
focus, I was able to, to get way more specific on it.
Amanda: So, what kind of things were you sharing about before you picked that focus? I
know you said that you have like a wide variety of topics that you talked about. What all
were you talking about?
Laken : I mean, I did product reviews on basically anything like it wasn’t even just planners. I
did product reviews all across the place. I did like shop with me videos. I did like book
reviews and. And what’s funny is some of those things have come full circle. And now I do
kind of talk about books again, but I talk about it from a much more focused mindset. So it
may not even be that some of the things I shared before I don’t share. Now I just share with
a different headspace and a, this is why I’m sharing it versus before I just kind of shared just
to share it.
And it just felt like, oh, I’m just going to talk about this this week. And now I’m like, no, I’m
going to talk about books. As it pertains to goal setting and as it pertains to the focus and
the purpose behind the business,
Amanda: Well, that getting really strategic with what you’re sharing. And I think that you
touched on something so important here that, that spaghetti throwing phase of business. Is
really necessary and really important. So you get the feel of the things that you do love. And
so, as we’re talking about this, everyone who’s listening is probably like, oh man, I’ve got
niched down right now, but I just want everyone to know, like you have full permission to
enjoy that phase so that you can get to this place where Laken has gotten to have, this is
what I love to teach on. And this is how I’m using these other things that I love strategically
within that. But you can’t get to that place. Without going through the spaghetti throwing
Laken : Yeah. I love that you called it that that’s exactly what it is. It’s spaghetti throwing at
the wall and it, I get the question a lot is why did you decide to pick niche down on goals? Or
what, how did that come up? And again, it was just trying, it was, I picked a product that I
was excited about. And I shared about that product. And then there was a lot of great
feedback. And then I started sharing my journey with the product. I’m talking about the
Cultivate What Matters Power Sheets, which I know Amanda has talked about before and
that sharing my journey and seeing the reaction and how helpful it was for others to hear
about that is what kind of really sparked like, okay. I think goals is what is missing from this
community of my community is still a lot of planner women, like women who loved
planners, paper planners, and plan their lives. But we’re talking about something more
specific than just product. And we’re talking about actual tools and tips and systems in your
actual plans and your day-to-day life to work on your goals.
And that wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t just pick a product randomly to start reviewing
and then start sharing about. And when I did that, I didn’t know. I didn’t know that that was
what it was going to lead to. I just really wanted to try out this product and see how it went.
Amanda: Yeah, absolutely. It’s so funny because that’s exactly what happened with Content
Batching Bootcamp never had planned to make a course about that, but I posted about it on
Instagram one time and people lost their minds and I was like, okay, all right. Feedback is
good. But. Without that time of audience building for years of throwing the spaghetti and
figuring out, you know, what do I want to talk about?
What do I like talking about? And the same for you without those years of all these different
videos, you wouldn’t have built the audience to give you the feedback to let you know what
direction to move into. So I know a lot of people get so frustrated with nothing’s happening.
I’m not doing anything.
I’m putting out this content . And people tell me, you need to listen to the feedback, but I’m
not getting feedback. That’s because you still need to keep throwing that spaghetti. Keep
building that audience. Don’t rush that part because it’s important. If you want, if you want
to know where to really move your business forward, you’ve got to listen to your audience.
We’ve got to build that audience where you can listen to them.
Laken : Absolutely, and I think one of the things I’ve also learned with that process is you’re
going to lose audience members. And that’s happened to me as I’ve started to niche down
and people are like, no, I want the plane with me videos.
And I want the planner reviews. And I want that. And I still do that sometimes to some
extent again, with the mindset of how is this going to help them achieve their goals, but. If
that is all you came for and that’s not where I’m focusing anymore, then I might not be the
community for you. And that’s okay. There are plenty of other amazing women in this space
that you can go follow and watch their content. So I think getting comfortable with, when
you do decide to focus in, on something that you’re going to find your people, and you’re
going to lose some people along the way. And that took me some time to , accept and be
okay with.
Amanda: If you hadn’t lost those people. I mean, sure. The, you know, our ego doesn’t like
losing people, but those people aren’t going to buy what you’re putting out there anyway.
So they don’t exactly matter. There’s someone else’s ideal audience and not yours. And
there are so many people in this world that there are plenty for your business, even if you
don’t have the, the ego numbers that you might want really.
Laken : Right. I mean, they call them vanity metrics for a reason. And while there is some, I
guess, clout that sometimes comes with having those numbers. When it comes to working
with businesses or getting a speaking engagement or those kinds of things at the end of the
day, if your business is selling a product or selling a service or whatever it is, having the right
people is so much more important than having a large number of people.
Amanda: Right. Exactly. And there are other ways to get those speaking engagements. If you
network smartly and you build relationships with people, you can do that anyways. You
don’t need the big number. So, I hope everyone’s taken notes. Go back and relisten to this
because these are such important points.
And I’m sure most of you know, Laken, but if you don’t and you go look at her numbers,
she’s got giant vanity metrics. But that’s not all she’s focused on. And I think that’s such an
important point that you do have those numbers. But yet you’re still making it really clear
that that’s not what really matters. And that’s not what really drives what I’m doing in my
Laken : Honestly, I built a lot of those numbers before I niched down. I built those numbers
because I was trying to be everything for everyone. And everybody was coming to hang out
because there was like one thing that they connected to and clicked with.
But then I lose followers almost every time I post something because I have picked my focus
and they see that and they’re like, well, this isn’t what I came for. And they leave and I’m
okay. that is fine. So I’ve built those numbers because I thought I needed those big numbers
in order to grow a business.
And so I spent years focusing on vanity metrics and building. The big numbers when now I
would likely be totally okay. Trading in and having those numbers drop for having a, like an
engaged focus. Like I’m here for what you’re putting out audience, because I know that
there’s people that have been there for years and they’re not engaged and they’re not
interested in what I’m sharing now.
Amanda: But there are also a lot that are, and that’s so important because you listened to
those people and what they needed. I’m curious, what, was there a specific instance that
told you this is the thing that I need to move into?
Laken : That’s a great question that I. I wish I had like the perfect answer. I wish I w there
probably was.
Let’s let’s say the truth is there probably was, there’s probably a moment that I was like, this
is it. This is, this is when I’m going to decide to focus in, on goals. But I can’t remember when
that moment was, which is kind of a bummer because that was a big part of my business.
Amanda: Honestly though. I think that that is the perfect answer, because I think so often
those big moments, they’re not big moments in the moment. when I decided I’m going to
try to do something with content batching, it was a. Is this, what I do is not, I don’t know. I
don’t know if this is going to work. And I think that right there is really what defines a lot of
these big business decisions that we make. Because when we look back, it’s like, oh yeah,
that was a turning point. But in the moment, you’re like, I don’t have a clue what I’m doing.
Somebody telling me, is this the right step?
Laken : Well, yeah, when you make that decision in the moment, it doesn’t feel big because
you don’t know if it’s going to work. Right. You don’t know if that’s, what’s going to, become
the thing I could have easily made that decision and then started to niche down and people
didn’t react to it. And then I had, would have had to pick something different. So that’s
probably why it doesn’t feel like it was, I can’t remember the moment because it didn’t feel
like a big moment at the time.
Amanda: Absolutely. If you could compare your business post moving more towards goals
and before, what would that look like for you? What different does it made for you
specifically? To lean into personal goals versus all of planning.
Laken : It allows me, like we talked about to be strategic about the content that I’m putting
out there. I try not to just put something out just for fun. I put personal things so that my
audience can relate to me.
Amanda: That’s still strategic.
Laken : It is still strategic, but I don’t just do like, oh, I like doing a video about this. So I’m
going to do a video about this. I think about. How this is going to help somebody achieve
their goals. Then there’s some audience members I’ve gotten comments that are like, not
everything has to be so thoughtful and strategic.
It can just be entertainment and sure. There are channels that are just entertainment. There
are people putting out content with that focus. That’s not me. And that’s not what I’m doing.
I want my I content to be focused and thoughtful. And then it’s also allowed me to think
about the other streams of income when I first.
Started my quote, unquote business, if you can call it that. When I started my YouTube
channel, I thought I was going to go the traditional YouTuber route where I was going to get
the ad sense from YouTube videos, I was going to get the affiliate link income. I was going to
get the sponsorships and like, that was how I was going to turn it into a business and not a,
But when I finally picked a focus, I realized that I can actually likely grow a larger business if I
create other services and products that are focused on this specific topic. And it allowed me
to let go of that other stream of income, which I’m so thankful for, because that would not
have made me happy and create other streams of income that are way more beneficial to
my audience as well.
Amanda: One of those strains of income is a course on goals, personal goals, specifically,
tell us a little bit about that.
Laken : I get a lot of the same questions and concerns when it comes to a ” this is why I’m
not achieving my goal. This is the roadblock. This is what’s stopping me from making
progress on my goal.” And I realized that there were really just four, four main roadblocks
that stop people from achieving their personal goals. And I wanted to help. Women break
through those. I wanted to give all of the answers. This is how you work through this
roadblock. So I created a course. It’s just four modules. It’s very short, but it is how to break
through the four main roadblocks of goal achieving. Goal setting is not the hard part when
I’m like, oh, my focus is goal setting. It’s not really it’s goal achieving because you can set
goals all day long. And that can be that is one of the roadblocks is picking the right goals. But
at the end of the day, achieving is so much harder.
Amanda: Yeah, sticking to it. I hear that all the time. Well, I can create an ideal schedule. I
can create a plan. The problem is following through on it. And I love that you focus
specifically on that aspect of achieving them versus setting because there are so many tools
out there for setting goals. I mean, look, we both love power sheets. There are a million of
people out there that talk about goal setting. But what do you do after that? How do you
actually move forward with those goals? And I think that’s so important. And what is the
name of your course?
Laken : Accelerate your goals
Amanda: We will link to that in the show notes, friends, if you want to check it out. of
what, what can we as business owners do to make sure that we aren’t overshadowing our
personal goals with those business goals? Because, I mean, so often we start these
businesses. We work from home. It’s really hard to separate personal and business when
you’re, I mean, everyone’s doing it now with the pandemic, but when you’re living in the
same space and working in the same space and running a business as a solopreneur or a side
hustler is so mentally overwhelming, because there’s so much on your plate. How can you
make sure that your personal goals aren’t overshadowed?
Laken : Absolutely. And it’s going to sound super cheesy, but you’ve heard this phrase
before where you can’t pour from an empty cup and you have to focus on yourself. And if
we only focused on our businesses and I also still work a full-time job, so I’ve got my full-
time job and then I’ve got my business.
I never focused on myself. I would hit burnout in a heartbeat. So I know that I have to focus
on my, my personal goals in order to be the best version of myself so I can show up in those
other places as the best version of me. I also have to remind myself a lot that. Life is more
than just your business. And they’re even if you spend 40 hours a week, 50, 60 hours a week
on it, that’s still not even half of your entire week. It is not your whole life. And when you
think back or think ahead to what you want your future to look like. Your personal goals are
going to likely have more of an impact. And not to say that having a business is not life-
changing, but focusing on some of those personal things, whether it’s health and fitness or
getting your physical space in order or building relationships with your spouse or family or
friends, those kinds of things get put on the back burner. And we always say, we’re going to
do them someday. We always say, I’m going to get to that. This is just a phase. This is just a
phase I’m doing this. Short-term someday. I’ll get to those personal goals. Some really
someday is never going to happen. That’s not a real date on a calendar. You need to start
focusing on them now.
And the best tip I have to do that is start small. It does not have to take up hours and hours
and hours of your day to make an impact on your life. You can start with just a small step it
health and fitness as a personal goal that you keep putting on the back burner. Stop trying to
schedule hour and a half long workouts.
In your already busy schedule, do 15 minutes, three times a week. Starting small is better
than doing nothing and starting small is the best way to make sure that you still follow
through because you don’t feel like you’re taking that much out of the rest of your life.
Amanda: Oh, that is so good. And I think it’s so ironic because so often we start our
businesses so that we have more freedom to do all of us or you think, and we don’t do them
because also we do his work, which.
If anyone listening to this is working 50 to 60 hours a week on your business, please stop.
Like let’s chat. Don’t do that. That’s ridiculous. Um, and that’s, it’s not healthy. Like Laken
was saying, you’ve got to fill your own cup. Oh, that’s so good though. In my experience, it
seems like a lot of entrepreneurs are ones, threes and eights, and all of us are like all or
nothing kind of people. We are really bad at that. 15 minutes of exercise is okay. I know that
for me, that’s something, gosh, I’m almost 28 and I’m just figuring that out. Like if I can get
15 minutes in, that’s amazing do that and build on that routine. But we so often
entrepreneurs we’re like we got to, if we can’t do it perfectly, we’re not going to do it at all.
Laken : Yep. It’s easier to go from five to 10 than it is to go from zero to five. And so we
don’t. We eventually say, we want to get to 60 minutes, however many times a week, but
doing that right now, going from zero to 60 is a lot of work and you’re going to feel
overwhelmed and you’re going to give up on it.
But if you start with just five minutes a day, it is so much easier to stick with. And then it’s so
much easier to layer onto that and add to it. I always encourage myself included to start
with something small and start with five minutes a day, 10 minutes a day, you can commit to
that. That is just, it’s stopped scrolling on Instagram for five minutes and do five minutes of
whatever that goal is, whether it’s decluttering or physical fitness, I can always go to those
two examples because those seem to be really common goals that people have, or even if
it’s a relationship goal, call your mom for five minutes.
And that is still better than zero. Five is greater than zero and you will still feel a benefit from
it. And then it will be easier later on to add to it.
Amanda: Okay. So being who I am and being that all or nothing kind of person, I know that
when I’m setting goals, a lot of times I automatically jumped to maybe not the extreme, but
pretty extreme.
So if we’re talking fitness goals, because that’s something that I’m working on now in my
mind, I’m like, well, I would love to work out. 30, 45 minutes at least six times a week. And
so then I’m like, okay, well, my goal is going to be 20 minutes, five times a week or
something like that. Like I’m, I’m not great at stepping back fully.
So do you have any recommendations on how to really get to that simplified version of your
goal versus just like a. It almost feels like an ego, like, oh, this is simplified, but it’s really not
kind of thing,
Laken : but it’s, but it’s actually not that much more simplified. it’s really a mindset shift
from knowing what you’ll follow through on, because the problem when we set these, these
extreme or this super ambitious goal is that it works for like a week and then we give up on
it and we don’t start back up again.
And so we are better off starting with something more realistic because we are less likely to
give up on that. I always encourage my community to go as small. It will feel silly. Like it will
feel silly. There is a book where the author talks about how she wanted to do yoga every
single day for more time. She had three young kids and if she tried to do it for an extended
period of time, there would be days that she wouldn’t do it because other things would pop
up. So what she did is she did one downward dog a day. Literally one yoga pose a day so that
it was so small that it felt silly for her to skip it because even if the whole day was crazy and
the kids and all the things she could squeeze in one downward dog a day, and then
eventually it became such a habit that she started doing two minutes of yoga a day, and
then it layered on and it layered on, but make it so small that it actually feels silly.
But when you stick to it for a week, now it’s a routine and now it’s a habit, not quite a habit.
I know you’ve got, you need way more than a week to implement a habit. But if you do
something for five minutes a day for a week, and it feels silly, cause you’re like nothing’s
happening in five minutes.
No progress is being made and maybe not. Right. You’re not maybe improving your health
and fitness drastically by doing five minutes of working out. But what you are improving is
your ability to commit to a workout. What you are improving is your routine of working out
five, six days a week, even if it’s only for five minutes.
And then the next week you add on 10 minutes. So just. Make it so small that it feels silly
and know that it’s just one week of your life and next week you can add more to it. I think
one of the things that we have to get comfortable with is accepting that we’re not going to
get instant gratification from our goals.
It is going to take time to achieve our goals and we are going to be better off. Taking our
time to get there and eventually, yeah, getting there versus coming out of the gate and
trying to go a hundred miles an hour and do crazy ambitious, extreme goals, and then giving
up, we’re never going to get to the finish line.
It’s like the tortoise won not the hair. So focus on going slowly and taking time. It takes a lot
of patience, which I am not blessed with a lot of patients, but it is something that I’m
working on. And one of the things I always like to say is, I don’t believe that there are any
unattainable goals, just unattainable timelines.
That we implement on ourselves. Nobody else is telling us we have to achieve this goal by
this date. We are putting that on ourselves. And if we just let ourselves take the time and
not worry about where the finish line is, and just focus on the small steps to get there, we
are going to be way more likely to get to that finish line.
Amanda: That’s so good. Yes. Oh my gosh. The instant gratification, which I have a horrible
habit of loving the call it out and other people, but I’m also so bad about wanting it.
Laken : It’s easier in general to say, do this, do that, you know, do, as I say, not as I do doing
it for yourself is so much harder.
Amanda: And it’s such a subtle trap I think, that we don’t realize we’re falling into it. Like
what I think fitness goals, and I think not sticking them being frustrated by where I’m at. It
doesn’t even connect it didn’t like, it never connected for me until you just said that, that
that’s a struggle with instant gratification that I’m not being patient with myself and with the
way building routines work, it’s never an all or nothing kind of thing. It is a very slow process
and also an ever-changing process. You never set a routine once and then forget about it
because you’ve always got to move with it. And as you go into new seasons of life and
different things that are happening, it’s got to change.
Wow. that was eye opening
Laken : . I’m glad it was helpful. Yeah. I mean, it is. we build these routines so that when
things change, we have something to fall back on. Flexibility is another big thing that I’m not
very good at, but I have realized is really important when it comes to working on our goals
and being okay with changing things up and knowing that.
even if I only do something for five minutes, I feel like I keep saying that, but it truly is. Even
today, I woke up later than I intended, and I didn’t have time to do my full morning routine
that I would like to do before I start my day because I had something scheduled, but I still
did. I did three of the 10 steps.
That is better than zero. That is better than just skipping the routine altogether. It’s not
ideal. Every is not going to be perfect, not going to do every step every day. But as long as I
do something every day, I keep up with that routine and I feel accomplished and I feel like
I’m making progress, even if it’s not exactly the way that I envisioned it.
Amanda: So if you to give everyone one really practical action step to do in the next week,
what would it be?
Laken : Pick a small step that feels so silly how small it is and do it every day.
Perfect. And book recommendation. I think I’ve already alluded to it.
It is The Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi.
I love her in general. Her podcast is great. Her Instagram content is great. And the book
helps you think through so many different things it is. Her book is structured where it’s these
principles. It’s not a self-help book where it says, you know, do this, do that. This is how
you’re going to change your life.
She gives you concepts to apply to your everyday life. And I just feel like a lot, we relate on a
lot of things. One of her concepts is to start small, but she gives a lot of personal. Examples
of how she implemented this into her life and was able to really make routines and
eventually accomplish her goals.
Amanda: Yeah. I second that book, I think I’ve probably recommended already on the
podcast at some point, because it’s such an easy read full of really great, really practical
information. Okay. Laken, I know everybody is going to want more of you, so where can
they find you?
Laken : Yes, I am at Plan with Laken, L a K E N in all the places. So Instagram. YouTube are
the biggest places that you can find me hanging out. And I do also have a community on
Patrion. If you want to join us over there, where we hold each other accountable and you
get a little bit more one-on-one attention with me focusing on your specific goals so that you
can achieve all of your personal goals.
Amanda: Okay and we will link to all of her links and her course in the show notes, friend so
make sure you go check it out. Laken, I am just so honored to have you on as a guest. This
was such a great conversation. I know it’s going to change lives, so thank you so much for
being here.
Laken : Thank you for having me.
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