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The Importance of Relationship Marketing
You’re listening to Chasing Simple Episode 102 and I’m your host – Amanda Warfield. If you’re looking to see growth in your business, this week’s podcast was made for you. We’re talking about growth goals (aka goals like: I want to grow my email list to this number of subscribers), making sure they’re realistic, the importance of relationship marketing, and also making sure they’re what you currently need to be focused on.
I walk you through what your focus might actually need to be instead of a growth goal, and how you can take steps towards the correct focus. Plus I’m giving you a few very practical tips on building relationships with your audience. (Because spoiler, that’s probably what your focus should be right now)
If you’re looking for better launches and more sales in your business, it’s time to stop undervaluing the importance of relationship marketing.
Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
- Grab Your FREE Ticket to Chasing Simple: The Summit!
- This week’s action step: Go to your Instagram and for each person that watched your stories today, go to their profile, watch their stories, and GENUINELY respond. Have a real conversation. And don’t talk about business!
- This week’s book recommendation: Effortless by Greg McKeown
- Find me on Instagram and tell me you completed this week’s action step: @mrsamandawarfield
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Rather Read? – Here’s the Transcript!
*Just a heads up – the provided transcript is likely to not be 100% accurate.
You’re listening to Chasing Simple Episode 102. And I’m your host, Amanda Warfield. If you’re looking to see growth in your business, this week’s podcast was made for you. We’re talking about growth goals, AKA goals. Like I want to grow my email list to this number of subscribers. We’re making sure they’re realistic.
And we’re also making sure that they’re actually what you should be currently focused on. I walk you through what your focus might actually need to be instead of a growth goal and how you can take steps towards the correct focus. Plus, I’m giving you a few very practical tips on building relationships with your audience, because spoiler alert, that’s probably where your focus should actually be right now. If you’re looking for better launches and more sales in your business, this episode is for you. Let’s dive in.
If you haven’t already, I want you to go back and listen to last week’s episode because I covered business growth and what’s considered normal in this online space. And the first step to creating strong growth goals is to get realistic. So go do that first then once you know what your growth goals are, what your launch numbers should look like what’s realistic for you and your business. I want you to really ask yourself, why are these your goals? Why are these your launch goals? Why are these your growth goals? For example, let’s say you’re wanting to grow your email list. Although this goes for whatever type of growth goal that you’ve got in your power sheets right now.
But let’s say that you’re wanting to grow your email list. Do you just want a certain number? Is your goal? I want to grow to 1000 email subscribers, or is it a random number that you have just pulled out of thin air? Or are you not sure? Maybe why that goal is your. Did someone tell you that you needed to set subscriber goals? If this is you, if you only have a goal of growing your email list to a thousand subscribers, because someone told you you needed it because you liked that number.
Because at that number, you’ll reach this thing, whatever, whatever, throw the goal out. If you can’t tell me why. That’s a goal of yours. Your business is not ready for you to focus on growth. It needs you to focus on serving the audience that you have, understanding their problems, and then solving them. If you can tell me, well, I needed to be this number because of X, Y, Z.
Great. Awesome. I’m glad you have a reason for the goal, but if you can’t tell me why that number is your number easily and without hesitation. Throw it away. And there are other things for you to focus on. For example, are you struggling to make sales? And you’re hoping that more people on your email list will mean more sales.
Is that your reason for having that goal? Yes. To an extent, this will help because at some point business becomes a numbers game, which is why you hear people rave about paid ads, but. That kind of strategy only works. If the people on your list already are already buying your offers, if the things that you have are already selling, if you’ve got a list of at least 100 people and you aren’t hitting the average conversion rate for sales or ideally higher, which again, average conversion rate from the email list is about two to 5%.
If you’re not hitting that two to 5%, you need to go back to your messaging. Focus on converting the audience that you already have instead of focusing on growth. So if you’re struggling to make sales and you’re hoping that more people in your list will mean more sales, and you’re not hitting that conversion rate two to 5%, go back to your messaging.
Now are you making sales and you just want to see more of those sales. Congrats. You’re most likely ready to focus on growth, but I still want you to focus on the audience that you already have, the people who have bought your offers and the people that have already allowed you precious space in your inbox.
Here’s the thing scaling. Is great. It’s great, but it’s even better and easier if your audience that you already have. If they’re the ones that are helping you do the scaling, because if you are focusing on the people that have already bought from you, spoiler, the people that have already bought from you are more likely to keep buying from you every time you put a new offer out.
I’m not telling you to put out a bunch of new offers. Don’t hear me say that. I want you to listen to your people. if people have already bought from you those are the people you want to focus on, because they’re going to keep buying from you. It’s so much easier to convert someone who’s already bought from you and already invested in you than it is to convert someone new.
So that’s where your focus should be. Growth is great. Yes. But the people you already have are worth way more than you to someone new and also the people that have already said yes and are already in your inbox, even if they haven’t bought from you. They’re going to be much easier to convert. So easiest to convert people that have already bought from you second easiest to convert people that are already on your email list and have already said, yes, you can be in my inbox.
Think about it. How many people do you actually let into your inbox? I know I’m picky about it. I don’t want a ton of emails. They’re overwhelming. So I only have people that I am very very interested in learning from, in my inbox. So if someone has said, yes, I will subscribe.
I will get your weekly by weekly, monthly, whatever newsletter they really want to hear from you. So that’s the second easiest group to convert. And then you’ve got the people that are not on your email list yet that they were going to take more steps to convert. So it gets harder and harder. The more degrees of separation you get.
So yes, if you’re already making sales and you’re want to see more, focus on growth, but also don’t forget that the best place to focus your attention is the people that are already in your corner.
The bottom line is that the best thing for most of us to be focusing on and the easiest way to truly grow and scale our businesses is to build relationships with our audience. I spent too many years focusing on growth. Too many, but I ran into obstacle after obstacle that forced me to start over because I hadn’t completed the prerequisites, understanding my audience, understanding their problems and understanding how I could fix those problems, how I could help serve them through those problems.
Once I nailed all of that down and got clarity on my brand messaging, my business came alive. I wasted said to so many years trying to force growth before it was ready and all it did was hold me back. And I don’t want that for you. I want you to spend this time really digging into your brand messaging, really digging into your audience, building relationships, understanding who they are, understanding what their problems are and how you can solve them.
Focus on that, where you focus on growth. So, how do you build a relationship with your audience to enable you to do all of this? Well, you respond to them when they respond to you. If they answer a question that you put out there, give them a thoughtful response and thank them for responding. If you see someone watching your Instagram stories over and over again, go give them a follow and watch their stories.
Respond. Talk about non-business things and for goodness sake, don’t cold pitch anyone. Treat them like a human being and not like a walking bag of money. Your action step for this week is to go to your Instagram and for each person that watched your stories today, go to their profile, watch their stories and genuinely respond.
Have a real conversation. And don’t talk about business.
Your book recommendation for this week is Effortless by Greg McKeown and if you’ve been Chasing Simple, you’ve heard me say many times how much I love Greg’s first book Essentialism. That book is the one that made me initially fall in love with simplicity. And this second book is a great read for any business owner out there that wants to keep things simple, expecially, those of us that are solopreneurs and have a lot of plates to balance.
So again, this week’s book recommendation Effortless by Greg McKeown and until next time, I hope that you will go out and uncomplicate your life and biz.
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