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Content Batching Bootcamp

September 22, 2020

Chasing Simple Marketing

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I'm  Amanda — simplicity-focused content marketing strategist.  I'm here to help you fit your marketing into your business.

Meet Amanda

diy your marketing strategy

Content Batching Bootcamp is a no-fluff 4 module course that will give you everything you need to start creating consistent content.

A few months ago, we had a bit of a situation over here in the Warfield household ….

Our beloved Ninja coffee maker died on us. But not in absolutely no coffee kind of way… No, it started off as a small issue. A weak pot of coffee here, a watery tasting one there. But for the most part, it was consistently brewing good, strong coffee.

Slowly it started to become even less consistent. We were getting more missed pots than good ones. After only two years, our coffee maker decided to call it quits.

One day she was fine. Slowly she petered out, and all of a sudden, she was just gone.

When it comes to creating content, it’s exactly the same.

Burnout usually begins slowly. A skipped post here, another there — but nothing too crazy. You’re mostly consistent after all. Until you aren’t. That hamster wheel trips you up, and all of a sudden, it’s been months since you’ve posted anything new.

And I know that what you really want is to:

  • grow your business
  • give your audience what they truly want
  • and build that know like and trust factor

But how are you supposed to have the mental space to do that when it feels like it is all you can do to just get something, anything out each week?

You keep telling yourself that next week will be the week that you finally get ahead with your content calendar so that you can stop creating posts at the eleventh hour because you KNOW that getting ahead would mean feeling less overwhelmed.

And yet, week after week it’s the same old story. And the result?

You’re losing money every day by not creating a strong audience through consistent content.

So how do you create consistent, strategic and high-quality content without posting at the eleventh hour and eventually burning out?

You need a way to level up your content game without spending all of your time on it ….

Introducing Content Batching Bootcamp.

Content Batching Bootcamp is a no-fluff 4 module course that will give you everything you need to start creating consistent content.

Implement my content batching system and make creating strategic and high-quality content that builds the know, like & trust factor a breeze.

AND free up a ton of time to work on other needle-growing tasks in your business.

This no-fluff 4 module course will give you everything you need to set up your own simplified system for creating consistent content.

In fact, here’s what Uma, one the founding students, shared after snagging her seat in the course:

“I just watched the first welcome video and am writing down the live dates. I can already see how much value is in this course and I’m so grateful!”

This isn’t just a fluffy content plan. This is a simple and strategic system that I’ve been perfecting for three years.

And now is your chance to get that for your business too.

Plus! I’ve got a plethora of special bonuses for you when you snag your seat in Content Batching Bootcamp!

Everyone who enrolls will get these bonuses:

  • Trello Template: Content Creation Workflow Board
  • Trello Template: Copy Bank Board
  • Content Creation Mindset Training
  • Content Ideas Challenge
Content Batching Bootcamp is a no-fluff 4 module course that will give you everything you need to start creating consistent content.

And, because I think bonuses are a lot of fun, I’ve got a few more fast action bonuses  for you – so the sooner you enroll, the more bonuses you get!

  • One month of Voxer access to me if you enroll by Friday, September 25, 2020
  • An additional live training on how I plan my content if you enroll by Monday, September 28, 2020
  • LIFETIME membership to the Simplified & Balanced Sisterhood if you enroll by Wednesday, September 30, 2020

And if you’ve got questions about whether or not this course will work for you? Just leave a comment, or shoot me an email at hello[at]amandawarfield.com! I’m a real person over here manning my inbox and I’d love to help you!

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