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I've got a plan. I'll show you how.

You're ready to launch your course but aren't sure how to build out a plan

You know a launch is important for gaining visibility and getting more eyes on your course, but there are so many moving pieces and it all just seems like more than you can handle. Let alone try to figure out the behind the scenes of putting it all together. 

On top of that, you've got to make sure your launch messaging is going to actually convert into sales.

AND you've got to figure all of this out on top of your normal work load.

All of a sudden adding another revenue stream doesn't seem quite so simple.

The good news? It doesn't have to be hard or over-complicated. A large part of having a successful launch is having realistic expectations. Sprinkle a little bit of organization, and a strong messaging strategy in, and you'll be good to go! 

The bad news? I've seen friend after friend go through launches only to come out disappointed on the other side, because they didn't build out a strong launch runway. Their audience was surprised a launch was happening, didn't have enough time to make a decision, and doors closed with much lower numbers than the creator hoped and planned for.

After going through more than 10 of my own launches, and planning out countless launches for clients, I've got my launch runway strategy down to a science. And I want to share it with you.

Check out some of my resources below to start crafting your own launch plan - one that will build hype before your launch even begins, and that will gain momentum right from the start! 

And how do you convert content into sales?

You've got a great idea for a course, but launching seems complicated and overwhelming - where do you even begin?


Before Your Next Course Launch: Send These 8 Emails to Your Waitlist!

free guide

Top chasing Simple episodes on:

Everything you need to know about realistic launch rates, and the step-by-step for calculating your own so that you can go into your next launch with realistic expectations.

Are your Launch Numbers Normal? 

I'm walking you through my 5 tips for cultivating your launch strategy for your next course launch. The exact one I've used to grow my membership to over 100 members!

Preparing Your Strategy for Your Next Course Launch 

I'm pulling back the curtain and sharing all of the details about my most recent online course launch. What my goals were, whether or not I hit them, how this launch differed from past launches, and so much more!

Chasing Simple Summit Launch Recap 

In less than one year, I grew Club Content Batching from idea, to course, to a membership with over 100 people inside. All with an extremely small audience. 

The Fastest (and Simplest) Way to Create a Successful Offer

With these chasing simple shop resources

Launch With Your Content

Plan your Course Launch Runway Strategy

Launch Strategy Mini-Course

Content Prompts Designed to Warm Your Audience Up Before Your Next Launch

Launch Content Prompts

The 8 Emails I Send My Waitlist for a Launch

Launch Waitlist Email Templates

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Ready to launch your next course or program? Walk away with a strategic content marketing plan for the quarter leading up to your launch to minimize launch prep and maximize your sales.

Done-For-you launch plan and marketing strategy

Launch Strategy & Management VIP Day

Join the waitlist

Looking to launch a course in 2023? During our six months as a group we'll take your idea to completion through your entire launch - together. Between weekly calls, an in-person retreat, and guest experts, you'll have everything you need to get your course launched and add that additional stream of revenue to your business.

from idea to launched
 a 6 Month Mastermind 

Course Launch Mastermind