
Your spot for simplicity-focused content marketing, launch strategy, and business

Chasing SimpleBlog

After more than a year of preparing to bring this book into the world, it’s finally here and the book launch didn’t go as planned.

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When A Book Launch Goes Wrong I love nothing more than a good launch recap episode, and chatting about what went well, what didn’t, and where I hope to improve in the future. So today I’m taking you behind the scenes of the launch of my book – Chasing Simple Marketing. After more than a […]

Episode 180: When Launching Goes Wrong: A BTS Look at My Book Launch

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Actual reader reviews of Chasing Simple Marketing How do I find time to create content without overwhelming myself? Where should I even be showing up in my marketing? How do I come up with fresh content ideas? Where should I be focusing my marketing efforts? What is lead generation anyways and how do I do […]

Episode 170: What Readers Have to Say about Chasing Simple Marketing


Hear what actual readers have to say about my new book, Chasing Simple Marketing, launching this week as I read reviews.

3 Phases Of A Business Journey When it comes to marketing strategies, there are hundreds out there that you could implement. Which can be fun, but is also a leading cause of marketing overwhelm. Because oh my goodness there’s so much to do but so little time. The good news? You don’t need to implement […]

Episode 169: 3 Phases of a Business Journey


I’m sharing what the 3 phases of business are, how to know which you’re in, and how to leverage the best marketing strategies for each phase.

The Social Media Content Buckets Strategy Ahh, the social media content buckets strategy. It’s one of the most talked about, but least explained content strategies out there. So we’re going to dive into it – what it is, and why I don’t think it’s a very good strategy. Instead, I highly encourage you to consider […]

The social media content bucket strategy is one of the most talked about, but least explained content strategies out there so let's discuss!

Your official invitation to join my book launch team for Chasing Simple Marketing! Launching July 26th – I need your help to spread the word.

BONUS: Join the Launch Team for Chasing Simple Marketing


Your official invitation to join my book launch team for Chasing Simple Marketing! Launching July 26th - I need your help to spread the word.

April 8, 2023 It’s funny how much can change in a week. A week ago, I was in full panic mode about this book, and all of the revisions that needed to happen, and I was convinced that I would never get it done. Now, I’ve just wrapped up the bulk of the revisions, and […]

Revisions Round Two


April 2, 2023 The revision phase is … a lot. I did so much research on writing and publishing a book before I ever even started to outline Chasing Simple Marketing, and yet I was still woefully unprepared for what the revision phase would hold. I’d heard other authors share about how much they disliked […]