

The Revision Phase

April 18, 2023

Chasing Simple Marketing

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I'm  Amanda — simplicity-focused content marketing strategist.  I'm here to help you fit your marketing into your business.

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April 2, 2023

The revision phase is … a lot. I did so much research on writing and publishing a book before I ever even started to outline Chasing Simple Marketing, and yet I was still woefully unprepared for what the revision phase would hold.

I’d heard other authors share about how much they disliked editing, but what I didn’t hear was why. And now, I think I may know. I can’t speak for anyone else of course, but for me, I had very unrealistic expectations. I don’t want to say I hate this phase, but it’s also not my favorite phase either.

In my mind, I figured that since I wrote the book in about a week, I should be able to revise it in a couple, no problem. Turns out, revisions take much longer than the initial writing. MUCH longer. For every hour I spent writing, I needed 3 or 4 to revise. My easy-going revision schedule? Out the window.

I’d allotted to spend a few hours each morning for the next three weeks revising, but I’m going to need every spare second of the next three weeks, and I may not even finish. Despair would not be too strong a word to use my mental state right now.

As far what I’m actually working on right now – I’ve taken all of the notes from my editor and my beta readers, and I’m working chapter by chapter through everything they gave me to consider. It’s a very slow process because I’m basically taking what I wrote and completely ripping it apart, only to rebuild it. It’s what I imagine it would be like to take apart a dress, and then use that fabric to sew myself pants. The foundation material is the same, but the outcome is a completely different item.

If I had given myself more time, I don’t think I would hate this process. It’s exciting to see a chapter come together even better than I imagined it would. I’m just not sure I can get it all done, and I’m worried about not having enough time to get everything done that needs to happen in order to have the book launched by July 26th. I’m trying not to worry about that just yet, because all’s I can do is keep going.

Speaking of … I need to get back to these revisions. See you in the next post!

Love and cat-hair hugs,


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