

Episode 083: What Having a Plan for Your Year Can Do For Your Business

November 9, 2021

Chasing Simple Marketing

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What can having a content plan do for your business? This episode covers the importance of content marketing for 2021!

Importance of Content Marketing 2021

Today’s episode is going to be a bit different today. You’re actually going to hear from a couple of my current one-to-one clients, all about what having a marketing strategy and a content plan has done for their businesses this year.

Now the way that my program works with my one-on-one clients is that we have four meetings. We meet once a quarter and the first meeting is a long three hour session where we plan out the entire year in advance. And then each of the quarterly follow-ups is a two hour session where we are getting into the nitty gritty of, ok ay, here’s the big plan that we’ve created, here are the tweaks that you have made as a business in the last quarter. Now, what are we going to put out for content? How are we going to strategically create and craft a content plan that will align with the goals that you have for this quarter?

Now these two clients that you’re going to hear from Jennifer and Mindy, they have made some serious moves in their business. This year, they’ve created entirely new funnel, new group coaching programs, courses, and all kinds of really amazing things. And I’ve been there behind the scenes, helping them to strategically craft the content plan that helps them align those goals that they have.

With their content, because a lot of times we have all these big goals and we are putting out content and we’re very frustrated because we can’t figure out why it is that our content isn’t pushing people into these various programs or goals that we have. And my goal is to help with that connection piece to help you say, okay, Here’s what I’m trying to move towards. This is what I’ve got. These are my programs. How do I, how do I fill seats? How do I get people into my course? How do I get people into my one-on-one services? How do I get people into my group coaching programs? And so what I do, is I help that connection piece, but the things they’ve done, the funnels they created, that’s all them and their amazingness.

But they’re going to share a little bit today about how the content support has helped make that possible.

Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Jennifer Gregson

ennifer Gregson is the Tarot Book Coach who helps writers get past blocks so they can start enjoying the process and actually finish their novels. Which means she uses Tarot readings to help fuel her own and her clients’ search for answers to the inevitable questions that arise as they write, edit, and publish their books. When not working with clients or writing her own Young Adult novels (currently on book #3), she’s chilling in Queens with her family and dreaming of her next Disney vacation.

Jennifer’s Website

Jennifer’s Instagram

Mindy Hancock

Mindy is a light hearted, highly caffeinated thought leader, who has an engaging energy that magnetizes others to her. She has a Master’s Degree in Education with a focus in counseling. Additionally, she has a full time career as a School Counselor while pursuing her goals and dreams within her business.

Mindy started her entrepreneurship journey in 2015, like most others in network marketing. This gave her the realization that she could follow her dreams of serving others and helping them let go of who they think they should be and start living out loud! Since 2018, Mindy has helped a number of clients break through the obstacles that seem to be holding them back in life.

Life’s too short to be unhappy, unsure, or unfulfilled. Mindy helps ambitious women learn and develop better ways to handle the issues that are standing in the way of their goals, control their anxieties & live life freely.

Mindy’s Website

Mindy’s Instagram

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Rather Read? – Here’s the Transcript!

*Just a heads up – the provided transcript is likely to not be 100% accurate.

Welcome to Chasing Simple Podcast Episode 83. I’m your host, Amanda Warfield. And today’s episode is going to be a bit different today. You’re actually going to hear from a couple of my current one-to-one clients, all about what having a marketing strategy and a content plan has done for their businesses this year.

Now the way that my program works with my one-on-one clients is that we have four meetings. We meet once a quarter and the first meeting is a long three hour session where we plan out the entire year in advance. And then each of the quarterly follow-ups is a two hour session where we are getting into the nitty gritty of, ok ay, here’s the big plan that we’ve created, here are the tweaks that you have made as a business in the last quarter. Now, what are we going to put out for content? How are we going to strategically create and craft a content plan that will align with the goals that you have for this quarter?

Now these two clients that you’re going to hear from Jennifer and Mindy, they have made some serious moves in their business. This year, they’ve created entirely new funnel, new group coaching programs, courses, and all kinds of really amazing things. And I’ve been there behind the scenes, helping them to strategically craft the content plan that helps them align those goals that they have.

With their content, because a lot of times we have all these big goals and we are putting out content and we’re very frustrated because we can’t figure out why it is that our content isn’t pushing people into these various programs or goals that we have. And my goal is to help with that connection piece to help you say, okay, Here’s what I’m trying to move towards. This is what I’ve got. These are my programs. How do I, how do I fill seats? How do I get people into my course? How do I get people into my one-on-one services? How do I get people into my group coaching programs? And so what I do, is I help that connection piece, but the things they’ve done, the funnels they created, that’s all them and their amazingness.

But they’re going to share a little bit today about how the content support has helped make that possible. So we’re going to dive on in, I hope you enjoy this episode and if you have any questions at all about what working with me, one-to-one in 2022 might look like, please let me know. You can hop into Instagram, send me a DM I’m @ mrsamandawarfield or shoot me an email, hello@amandawarfield.com. But for now, I’m going to let them take it away. 

How do I run a successful business from my home? How can I possibly wear all of the hats? Am I the only one that struggles with stain or. What am I supposed to do about work-life balance? How can I create a solid schedule and routine? How do I even stay productive? And the biggest question of all, how do I manage it all?

And can I really create a business that I love without being chained to my laptop? Welcome to the chasing simple podcast for hard conversations and actionable education meets. I’m your host, Amanda Warfield time management coach, online educator and crazy cat mama. My mission is to help overwhelmed business owners get more done in less time so that they have more time and energy for what matters most, if you feel overwhelmed or occasionally lost in the rollercoaster that is entrepreneurship.

I want you to know that you aren’t. Those things you’re feeling you aren’t the first or the last to feel that way, the hard things you’re going through, someone else has already been there to each week offering you transparent conversations, actionable steps in a judgment free community to encourage and equip you.

So grab yourself a cup of coffee or whatever your drink of choice is. And meet me here each week for love. Practical tips and advice on simplifying your beds. Let’s do this entrepreneurship thing together, showering.

Hey, there, I’m popping in really quick to ask for your help. If you haven’t already, would you mind leaving a rating and review for the chasing symbol podcast? See ratings and reviews. Aren’t really important in the life of a podcast because it tells you your podcast player that people are listening to and enjoying this.

Which means that they show will get put in front of a wider audience. Not only that, but I love to read the encouraging words from listeners, especially on those hard days of entrepreneurship. If you felt encouraged by the show, I would love to hear about it. So please go leave a rating and review. If you haven’t already, it would really mean the world.

Next up, you’re going to hear from my client, Mindy Hancock. Mindy is a lighthearted, highly caffeinated thought leader who has an engaging energy that magnetizes others to her. She has a master’s degree in education with a focus in counseling. And additionally, she has a full-time career as a school counselor while pursuing her goals and dreams with her business.

She’s been helping her clients since 2018 with the obstacles that seem to be holding them back in life, because life is too short to be unhappy, unsure, or unfulfilled. Mindy helps ambitious women learn and develop better ways to handle the issues that are standing in the way of their goals, controlling anxieties and live life freely.

And I loved working with Mindy for a lot of reasons, but what was so exciting to me, it was getting to watch her make huge giant business moves within a very small amount of time. Not only does she work full-time as a school counselor, which for any of you that are educators in some capacity, in a school setting, you know how exhausting that is? 

Not only does she do that, she also is working on another degree, which blows my mind and she runs her business. And as you’ll hear in her little session right up now. She created many things, including a group coaching program this year that she ran twice, she created an entire new funnel. She did all of these really amazing things in such limited time.

And it’s because she shows up for herself over and over and over again. And it has just been so inspiring to watch. Now, if you are someone who maybe you feel stuck in a worry spiral and you feel like your anxiety or your worry is affecting parts of your life or your relationships, or even your sleep, she’s got a freebie that I will link to in the show notes, but I highly recommend that you go check out. This freebie is called Journal Away Your Worries and it’s 30 free journal prompts for you to work through release and gain control over your worries. If you’re someone like me who has anxiety or find themselves in a worry spiral, you’re going to want to make sure that you go check that out. So head down to the show notes, definitely snag that for yourself.

And now without further ado, we’re going to hand the mic over to Mindy. 

I know that you’ve been on the podcast before and we’ll link to that episode in the show notes for everyone who wants to listen to it, but go ahead and give a quick introduction of who you are and what you do. 

Yeah. Well, thank you for having me again.

So I am Mindy Hancock. I am a full-time school counselor, and then I am also a online anxiety and mindset coach. And I have my own podcast. I’m also a wife and a dog mom. Coffee lover, all the things. So that’s me in a nutshell. 

And who do you serve primarily? 

Um, I definitely primarily serve the like ambitious woman who just feels very overwhelmed and anxious and tends to be the woman who like worries a lot and really just want some help figuring out how to navigate those emotions and feel like they’re in control of them so they can live life more free.

I love it. What has having a custom marketing plan for your business done for your business in 2021? 

Yeah. So you probably, let’s just be honest, have several boxer messages from me saying like, oh my gosh, I’m so glad I did this because I am an Enneagram three. And I tend to, like, I’m very ambitious and I want to do all the things and I’m going to hit the goals.

But sometimes I don’t plan things very well because I’m just, I get so excited and I get like, I get that shiny object syndrome where like, I think of something I want to do it. I’m going to do it now. And there’s not really ever a plan or a strategy which has always been my downfall for me. But this is really how.

And I will say for the most part, having that a calendar accountability, and then us playing, planning things out together. I feel like I have stuck to the things that I said I was going to do and not added anything. That wasn’t necessary. So before, if I wasn’t doing this, I would like think of something on a whim and be like doing it tomorrow because that’s just my personality.

And so I’d just be doing a lot of things and then I would burn myself out, but this helped me really plan and kind of keep what was important at the forefront and not get distracted by all the fun stuff, or think the things that we, I might even see on Instagram and go, Ooh, that’s a cool idea. I could twist that I can make that my own. I can figure out how to do this. I feel like my audience would really like something along those lines. We’re not doing that. 

Okay. And it’s so funny that that’s what you went like, because as soon as we hopped on the call, I looked at your whiteboard behind you guys. Mindy has this whiteboard behind her and it says Q4 products and services, and it’s got two things written on it and it’s so blank.

And I was like, look at all that blank space. 

Yes. I love it because, and it’s funny because I wrote that down at the beginning of Q4 and I have done both of those things. When I said, well, I will say my last thing that I launched, I did not go exactly. I went one week after our planned due date or planned launch date, but I call that a win because a did both of them to fidelity. I decided I was going to do it and I did it and I didn’t waiver and I didn’t add anything 

Well, and when you messaged me upset because you hadn’t launched it when we planned it. My response was the point is that you’re launching it. Not that you did it exactly when we said we were going to do it. The point of the plan is to help you build that runway so that you can get it out there and serve people whether or not it’s exactly what we planned.

It really doesn’t matter, although it’s great. If we stick close to the plan, the plan change, and they’re meant to change, but without a plan. No one knows what you’re doing. So, no, so sure. Most importantly, not you. Were you surprised by any of the outcomes that have come from having a built-out marketing plan?

I wouldn’t say I’m not necessarily surprised because I probably knew, like, I knew that this is what I needed to do. It’s just the sitting down. And like, my brain just does not work the way that your brain does. So it’s helpful to have someones brain power who sees things differently and can say, well, are you sure?

That’s like, logistically going to work for you? Like your cause for me, I’m like, yeah, I’ll do all the things I can go back to school on the first week of school and launch this and do this. And you’re like, are you sure that’s a good idea. Surprised outcome or the site itself, or like really happened within it. But because I knew that your brain works differently than mine and I needed that in my life. I needed your strength. So I think that was really like, it wasn’t like a surprise. I knew it was going to happen and I was very glad to see it.

And I think that brings up such an important point about the marketing plan that we create is that it very much is dependent on what’s happening in your life. It’s not just a, where are we going to put things in? We put life in before we put any business stuff in, because if we want to have any kind of balance in our lives, that’s got to come first.

Our personal life has to come before our business because business can suck you under so-called. 

For sure. And I think that was one thing I really loved that when we sat down, the very first thing we did was we went ahead and went by a tentative dates of like, when I usually take vacations and we planned around those things.

And like when I start to school and when I get out for certain things and it was helpful for me because I don’t like my brain doesn’t work that way. So I didn’t think that way. And it helped me to. Not make sure that I was more mindful of what I was doing, what I was launching and when, instead of just kind of throwing things out there, just whenever it felt good.

And that was like, sometimes that’s good. Like, I feel like sometimes. There are there’s something to be said to do something messy. However, when you have more of a plan, it just made me feel better. As like, as a human and a business owner, I felt more put together now, does that mean everything went completely smoothly and I did everything.

Like I said, it was going to two and I was going to batch all my batch weeks every time. No, I’m, let’s just be on. No, but I still had a plan and I would, I refer back to it every single month and I would look at it and say, okay, what are we doing this month? What do I have planned? Maybe it changed and shifted a little bit, but it still was very helpful for me to have that there and to have life put in first.

Yeah, I don’t think anything can make business, not not messy. It’s just messy period. It is. It just is. And I also, I think my general rule of thumb is. It’s totally okay. To have a messy, last minute promo where you’re like, oh, I’m gonna do a flash sale next week. I think that’s totally fine. But what’s so important that we have a runway built out for these big launches where we’re introducing a new product or we’re opening and closing doors to a product.

And that to me is the part where if you’re doing that messy, you’re not going to get any results that you’re really looking for. Yeah. 

And that’s always, and then that’s frustrating. And then that makes. It can make me who is an Enneagram three feels like a wonderful failure and just no one wants to do that. Yeah. Yeah. And like I’m done throwing up the hands. 

So instead of failure, what are some tangible wins that you’ve had from this year? 

Yeah. So for sure, I will say that I, with you, I. was able to build out our, I launched my newest, like my new signature offer that I did back, I guess I’ve now ran it twice.

And I filled it up both times. And, and I will say at first I was like, when I say filled it up, let’s just be honest. I, again, I keep referencing my Enneagram three because I really sometimes go really Really too far, sometimes in my head. And then I want to tell myself that I didn’t do enough, but then I realized that like, every time, like the women that were in there were supposed to be in there.

And then I even had women who resigned the next time, that one to do it at second time. And I’m like, That’s awesome. And then I also had those same women who felt so supported by the way I had planned everything. And they said so many times, like this was so well organized. This was like, you did such a great job with this.

And then they went on to be one-on-one clients, which is what was, it was a perfect little segue there. So, and with that I feel like it really helped me build really good relationships with those clients. And so I feel like with that being a tangible takeaway, I also. I’m with you came up with my new freebie offer, which I think we’ll probably talk about in a little bit, but I loved creating that number one, but number two, following through on just promoting it, promoting it and promoting it and saying, just talk about it.

And I will easily get in my head, like I’ve said multiple times and stop talking about something, but I just kept talking about it and I had. 50 people sign up in that time that I was talking about it to get that free, that freebie. And that was huge. That was a huge one for me. 

Yeah. What percentage of your email lists would that have been that signed up?

I’m trying to think. I don’t know, I’m not really good with numbers. So I would say it’s definitely, I would say at least 20%, maybe 25%. And all of that came from just me talking about it and talking about it in my email list, but also talking about Instagram and just like, even when I felt like I I’ve talked about it too much, I just kept talking about it.

Or I kept anytime I created content. You know, directed people to that piece of free content and it worked and then people were finding it and I don’t even know where they found it at. I’m like, I don’t know, but people are finding it and people are still randomly signing up for it. And I’m not heavily promoting it right now.

And so people are still signing up wherever they’re finding it. I don’t know, but I’m not mad about it. 

I think, yes a lot of that comes from you talking about it so much, and that is something that we often. Hmm, do wrong in entrepreneurship is we don’t want to talk about our thing over and over again.

We feel like we’re bored of it. So everyone else must be bored of it too, even though that’s not the case, but it also comes from how intentionally you crafted. I mean, you crafted an entire funnel this year from freebie to entry-level offer to a high level group coaching program, which you’re not giving yourself enough credit for.

This is the program that Mindy launched twice this year, guys, she filled both times. And the vast majority of the people in the second round were people who had already gone through it once. And they were willing to pay for the high level group coaching program again, because it was that good. And then, like she said, they moved in to her one-to-one offerings, which is exactly what we’re all trying to do here as entrepreneurs is move people down our funnels to that one-to-one spot. So. You certainly are not giving yourself enough cit for all of the amazing things did you did this year, but I think how intentionally you crafted that freebie, which, yeah. Let’s just go and talk about it. Tell everyone about what your freebie is and what is?

Yeah. So Journal Away Your Worries is, it’s 30 free journal prompts that I’ve already listed out to you list it out for you. It’s like seven page workbook. It’s, it’s pretty, I love it. It’s just, it’s really cute. And I give you some space to write, but I also would say, you know, you’re probably gonna want to write it somewhere else or do it in your computer or your iPad, but it just really helps you kind of get clear a little bit on those worries and determine like, what really is a worry, or not a worry, what can we kind of put to the side? What do we need to really worry about? So that way you can kind of clear up the things that are kind of weighing you down and create that space to spend your energy and time on things that you really want to do and spend that time on versus worrying about things that you can’t control.

Yeah. And you, I mean, we spend a large chunk of one of your coaching calls crafting what this freebie was going to be about and who it was going to be for. And I think that a lot of people do this backwards. They spend all of their time. Making it pretty, although yours is gorgeous, but we spend a lot of time making the freebies pretty versus really being intentional about who they’re for in the problem they’re solving.

And you did that so intentionally, that’s why so many people are all over it and why you’re still getting all these sign-ups, even when you’re not talking about it all the time. 

Yeah. And I think that you’re right. We, I did, we did do that together and then I went and I wrote every single journal prompt, all 30 of them and it just plain Google doc. Because I just needed to get those out. And then it was all of the pretty, and the fun stuff came very last. Like that was the last thing to do. And so that was fun to, to be able to see it kind of come in stages and then come to life. And then, yeah, and then hearing people say like, oh my gosh, I’ve been doing this for as been going through this every single morning for a week now.

And it’s, you know, really changed me. It changed the way I’m thinking about things. And I feel like I’m just lighter, I”m like, this is why I created it. So I’m really excited that it came across the way I wanted it to come across. And I think that had a lot to do with the time that we spent together. Just like crafting it and really getting clear on it versus going okay, I’m just going to throw 30 random journal prompts that I can just come up with really quickly and then just throw them into a PDF. And there you go. But I really, I spent a lot of time figuring out who I could, who really needed this and what they really needed. And then I even asked questions to my audience and that kind of stuff.

And so, which is helpful, which you do a lot, which is helpful too, to which I’ve done. And I’ve I’ve used to do, but I never really used it as much as I do now. And I will say that’s another tangible thing. That I took away was that when I use things now I’m using the data and feedback versus before I did it more so like, okay, this is to get engagement and yeah, it’s engagement.

But I use that now to go, okay, this they’re telling me something here. Like this is clearly, I mean, it’s the same thing. I know, you’re a past educator. People that listen to you probably are a lot of educators or previous educators, but it’s the same thing that we do in the classroom. Or even, even me as a counselor in a, in a group, like I do a self-assessment first, like, Hey, what do you already know?

Or what is it that you want to get out of this? So I know that I’m even gearing this in the right direction. So it’s the same thing. It’s just, I had to think about it from, I guess my education standpoint, like why, why do they want this? And then kind of, you know, drive it in that direction. 

Absolutely. I’m blown away by all of the things that you’ve accomplished this year. It’s just, you seriously crafted on an entire funnel. I’m just blown away. We can, you, we may have made a marketing plan around that, but you did all the work and I just am so proud of you. 

Yeah. And I will say, you bet you listen to me every time that I sent you a Voxer message, like, okay, this is not, maybe I’m not sure if I have. You’re always so calm when you, when you, you know, when she, I will say guys, when she responds back, she’s always so calm and I’m over there. Like just giving her all the information about why this is not going the way that I want it to, or why I’m getting in my head here. And she’s always like, okay, now let me just tell you the digit, remember this.

And then I’m like, okay you’re right. Moving on now. 

That’s what I’m here for. Okay. So we will have the link to that freebie in the show notes. If you’re someone who struggles with anxiety, I don’t know how you couldn’t in the times that we’re in, but if you’re someone that struggles with anxiety and you want some journal prompts to help with that, these truly are so intentionally crafted.

I will have the link to that in the show notes for you, Mindy, what would you say to someone who’s on the fence about working with me next year? 

Yeah, I feel like if you feel chaotic right now in your business, or maybe even you just, you aren’t really sure. And you kind of, you, aren’t a data driven person or a planned out perfectly organized person. That’s not you. So AKA you’re not an Enneagram one. So. And you’re like me, or you just kind of tend to get really upset at yourself for things that don’t go your way, because maybe you don’t plan as well. And you feel chaotic in your business and maybe even feel like things aren’t going the way that you want them to.

And you’ve been on the fence about this. I do say to just jump and do it, and the reason why I say that is. I ha I’ve said this before to you, but even though like things change and shift and whatever, but over this year, just having the plan that we created, even though things moved and, you know, things happened, life happened.

I have felt way more at ease in my business and in alignment in my business. And I think that that goes to that’s because I have not wavered from my mission and I haven’t let everything else like that. I’m consuming make me think, otherwise that I’m not doing enough. Like I have done enough this year.

So. I think that was really helpful for me. So if you were anything like me and you just need a little bit of accountability and someone to be like your help, you organize and see things differently. This is for you 100%. And I will say like, I, I want to do this forever. I’m like, can you can go ahead and put me down.

Go ahead and let me down for 2023, please. Yeah, all the ears. 

Thank you so much for coming on and taking the time to just be again, Mindy. I really appreciate it before I let you go. I know you’ve done this before, but what is one book recommendation that everyone should have? 

Yeah. So one of my newest, and I will say it’s for something that I had to read for my job.

So for education, however, I still think it’s highly applicable. That’s a good word that I just threw out there real quick. That I think is really good for anyone who struggles with anxiety or has had trauma. But it’s called The Deepest Well and it is really talking about what can happen to, even if you’re, let’s say you’re a mom or you’re a teacher and educator it’s really talks a lot about trauma and what happens to, to humans, but especially when trauma happens in a child in childhood, what happens in our bodies, not just our mental state, but what can physically happen to.

As we grow older. So it’s just, it’s really, really cool to, to learn about it. Parts of it, I like skip through, but most, most of it was really great and I liked the way she writes her name is Dr. Nadine Burke Harris and she is, she writes really the way she puts things, that’s real sciency. She puts them into really good analogies that made it fun to read about.

So. That’s that’s my recommendation. That sounds amazing. I’m definitely going to go check that one out for sure. And we will keep that in the show notes. Now we’ll link to your freebie, but where can everyone find. Yeah, you can find me. I will definitely say I hang out on Instagram, mostly at Mindy L Hancock.

You can find me there. Otherwise you can check my podcast out at You Out Loud Podcast on all podcasts platforms, wherever you stream it. And then I also, I am on Facebook, Mindy Hancock. I’m just not on there as active as I am on Instagram. So if you want to come really hang out, that’s where you need to go.

Awesome. Thank you so much Monday. I really appreciate you being here. Of course. Thank you so much.

Now you’re getting ready to hear from one of my own one-to-one clients. Jennifer Gregson. Jennifer is a terrible book coach who helps writers get past blocks to they can start enjoying the process and actually finish their. Which means that she uses tarot readings to help fuel not only her own, but also her clients search for answers to the inevitable questions that arise as they write.

And it in published their books when not working with clients or writing her own young adult novels. She’s currently on her third book, she’s chilling in Queens with her family and dreaming of her next Disney vacation. Now working with Jennifer has been such a dream as a content marketing strategist, because she is so in tune and niched down with who her audience is, she knows exactly who she’s talking to, and it is so much fun to come up with a marketing plan and strategy for someone who is so niche down and knows who they’re talking to. And what they’re talking about, it has been such a. One of the things that she’s created this year as part of her content marketing plan is a new freebie workbook that will help writers know if their book idea is any good, because that’s one of the hurdles. If you’re a writer, you know, this, if you’re not a writer, one of the big hurdles that her clients have is always, I can’t get started writing my book because I don’t know if my book ideas, any. So she created freebie workbook to help you work through that. If you are a writer or you’ve got it in the back of your mind that you want to write a book someday, especially if you’re wanting to write a novel, I will have the link to that free week in the show notes that you can check it out. You absolutely should. And you can find out what your next steps are. I will have a link in the show notes to that workbook so that you can grab it for yourself. Highly recommend. Now let’s turn the mic over to Jennifer, 

Jennifer. I am so excited to have you on go ahead. Just tell everyone who you are, what you do, who you serve. 

Sure. Hi, I’m Jennifer Gregson and I am a young adult writer and a certified Taro reader who decided to take two of my main, loves writing and Taro and combine them into a Taro book coaching business, where I help writers discover the joy and fun of the writing process. Actually finish their books, using the magical tool of Taro.

I love it so much. And I just told everyone who’s listening, that you’re such a joy to work with as a content marketing. So you could just say, yes, you’re so niche down, you know exactly who you’re talking to and you have a very, very specific audience. And I love it so much. So that being said, what has having a custom content marketing plan done for your business in 2020?

Well, for one thing, it allowed me to start my business feeling completely at ease, which I heard from other small business owners, but that’s not always possible. And I kind of think of it. This is the weirdest analogy, but it works for me is when you put the bumpers up, when you’re bowling, right? The ball has to go forward, regardless of what happens. That ball has been completely out of control, but it’s still going to hit that bumper and hit the pins may not be the best, but it’s going to hit the pins. So I feel like that’s what a marketing plan does. It gives me that structure and that system to allow me to try different things, go a couple of different directions, but always know I’m moving forward toward the target.

Okay. I love that so much. Always using the bumpers still as an adult, my husband hates it. I’m not a good bowler .

 Yeah. I’m a good wii bowler. 

Y es. Much better there than in real life. I’m exactly the same way I can kill it on the wii. I can’t do that real life gutter every time. What have you had any surprises about the outcomes of having a custom or custom marketing plan?

 Well, yes, yes. I’m trying to think. Am I any surprises? Or has there been anything surprising to you about having that? Well, I just, I feel very much in control even when everything else is out of control, which is surprising, even when things weren’t working out, the way I wanted or the marketing or the market itself was just a little dull or not.

You know, we’ve come out of the pandemic slump, people weren’t ordering as much or things weren’t happening as fast. I still felt very much. Like I knew where I was going and yes, I might’ve freaked out. Yes. I might’ve had a bad day here or there, but I always came back to more quickly than I was expecting myself.

Miss drama queen to do was to come back to, well, I know where I’m going. I know who I want to serve. I know that I offer what I offer is good. I know that I’m a value. And that was really surprising to me as I grew this business this past year.

 I think that has so much to do with your mindset and who you are as a person also though, truly 

Well, And I also have a very good support team. I’ve surrounded myself with very good people, Amanda being very much at the top of that list. And I think that has also helped, you know, not only like business support, but I’ve gotten the people in my life also on board with my sort of crazy ideas, which is nice,

 WHich Jennifer also works with. She works with me on content marketing strategies. She also works with my good friend, Erin, who has been on two episodes of the podcast. Yes. And she helps her create action steps. So I give the market insight and Erin helps her with the action steps for creating. I know you created a course this year and all of these things that yes, I think Erin and I are a great support team.

Erin has been on episode 20 and I’m looking, I know she’d been on device episode 10, 20, and 10, 

It’s kind of like having two different, amazing people in your back pocket at all times. Depending on what I’m having major freak outs about. I know who to go to. And sometimes I go to both, I’ve had weeks where I’ve needed both of them, and it’s amazing to totally feel like I’m in very good hands.

So I just think it’s, it was such a smart business move for you to start off with surrounding yourself with the people. And I was actually thinking about this this morning. I was like, man, maybe I should invest in multiple coaches at one time because it it’s such a sound strategy for. I’m covering all my bases of the things that I feel like I’m weekend and I’m going to have that support to keep me moving forward.

So I just think, I think that’s a good that everyone listening should take away, find your people and surround yourself with the people that will help you move forward. 

Definitely find your people that are going to help. And then the nice thing is that Erin and Amanda work very well together. And so the three of us sort of make this really great sort of tricycle of movement. 

Absolutely. I love that. That’s a great analogy or the back wheels and you’re the front and we’re just kind of helping, I will put all of Erin’s information in the show notes for everyone in case you want to reach out to her. I have no idea what her availability is at this point, but if you’re interested and you want to reach out to her about potentially working with her as well in 2022.

I’ll put it in there. So, Jennifer, what, what are some of the tangible takeaways and wins that you’ve experienced over the last year? Thanks to the marketing plan. I know you talked a little bit about being able to pull yourself back to the right mindset. What else has there been. 

Well, the one big tangible is, and this may not sound large to some people, but I’ve grown my Instagram by about 250 people.

And considering that I went from an author only platform. So before I was just marketing myself as a writer, so. Reader audiences to now switching, to talking to also writers and offering them services. I think that’s pretty big. Cause I went, I really went through a big transformation and had to sort of reach out to a almost cold audience and it was pretty, it was transformative for me.

It was a big change and I had to, and I actually created an Instagram. Engagement strategy, which I’ve never had before, even as a author, I never actually learned how to reach out to people and have real conversations, which has been super helpful. So that may not be tangible. But to me, it’s a huge win. 

We know a percent increase like that is tangible. I’m wondering, I think 250 is a big jump, but what, where were you before? 

I was in like, what’s up? I was like in the 700. And now I’m in the nine hundreds and I didn’t back down. So that’s what I’m saying. It’s a little hard to pinpoint. Exactly. Cause I went from about when I switched up my offerings at the beginning of the year, I went from about 700 to about 600 and then I went back up to 900. So it’s a little, and I’m hovering right at like 9 0 5 right now, Instagram followers.

 It’s really cool. Yeah. And that’s I think again, that speaks to you being so niche down because you’re not trying to speak to every author out there. You’re trying to speak to the ones who are interested in using taro and also, 

which is a big thing right there. I mean, let’s just say that because that is a very niche audience of writers right there. And then you’re adding on, do they have to be a little open-minded and they have to be a little curious and then they need to be in a place where they’re writing. They’re not just thinking about writing, they’re writing or they’re thinking about writing and they really want help.

Right. And specifically writing fiction, right? 

Mostly. Yes. I mean, cause that’s what I write. So I tend to gravitate toward people that write mostly fiction, but I have helped some non-fiction writers course. Yeah. And yes, fiction is my first sort of love. 

And this has really turned into a conversation about Nicheing down, but I’m here for, but I think for everyone listening, that’s such an important point that you just made you, you speak mostly to people that write fiction, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help other people outside of your niche. You know, like you’re talking because fiction is your love. You’re talking to people who write fiction when you’re creating your content, but that doesn’t mean that what you are putting out there in the, the products and the services that you have, it doesn’t mean that they can’t help other writers. It just means that your niche down so that you’ve got a specific voice and your voice doesn’t get lost in the crowd so that you can continue to grow. For example, I really love working with course creators. That’s that’s my jam. I love education. It’s such a passion of mine. That doesn’t mean I can’t help people. There are plenty of people in club content, fashion that are not course creators, but that’s who I really talk to when I’m creating my podcast episodes and things like that. It doesn’t mean it’s not helpful for others, but I hope that’s encouraging to everyone to continue to niche down. Even if you feel like it’s too far and too specific, it’s not. 

Yeah. Cause it, it does feel a little niche, but I have found quite a few fiction writers. Use taro for other reasons and never thought to use it for the writing process, which is that’s like my sweet spot, the people that sort of use taro or no taro.

And aren’t scared of it because there are a few that are, you know, a little hesitant to use it for whatever reason. And I always like to say, they’re just colorful pieces of cardboard that are just visually stimulating and can give us amazing insight and ideas. They’re not anything to be afraid of, but. Be that kind of person that’s open to that. 

And you’ve got your niche for sure. I love it. What last question actually, I’ve got two questions. I’ve got one. I didn’t tell you. I was going to ask. Sorry.

 I’m here for it. 

First. What has been your favorite part of working together with this last year and of having the custom marketing?

Well, having the custom marketing plan really just helps me with that larger, big picture vision, which at the beginning of the year, I was like, I just want to launch my business and start talking to other writers. I didn’t have a big vision. And that really, really, really helped knowing where I wanted to go, how I wanted to feel at the end of the year, what kind of things I was open to creating and offering really, really.

But then not only that, just the, the smaller calls, the quarterly calls that really helped take that big vision and turn it into concrete, next steps, concrete habits, concrete, next step plans that I can then take and implement. That was, that was just golden. And the fact that you are. You’re fun. You have a very calm demeanor.

So it’s always just, it’s like a party coming on the calls and talking about things that I don’t necessarily know. And I can literally say, yeah, I don’t have any idea. I have no idea. Let’s figure it out together because I don’t always know the things because I’m not a business person. I was a theater major in college and I moved to New York city to pursue Broadway.

I know very little about the business side of things. So that’s helped me not feel so negative about myself, that I don’t know these things. 

And listen, none of us know when we first get started or I’ll figure it and we’re muddling our way through.

It just comes with time. But thank you. That’s, that’s really sweet let’s talk about some of the things that you have created this year. And again, a lot of the actual. Creation of some of these products and services really com goes down to Erin because I’m just doing it.

I’m just helping Jennifer market the thing she creates and Erin helped her create the things. Uh, but you created a course. You created two freebies all within the first year of business. Go ahead and outline of all that. 

So I created one freebie at the beginning of the year that sort of helped build a new.

For the fact that I was starting with a almost brand new audience and I had to sort of move a lot of readers into a separate list and start a new list basically. And then I created a six week e-course, which I’ve never done before. Had to get very comfortable. Basically being a coach and a teacher, which I’ve never thought of myself as, which was fun.

And then I do one-on-one taro readings for writers, which is very different. And it’s not your typical taro reading. It’s more like the book coaching. I just use taro as a tool and then I created another freebie and I have big ideas for next year. So it’s, it’s fun. I’m going to run the course again for sure.

And, uh, yeah, there’s other things that are in the back of my mind. I’m always thinking of stuff. So that’s fun. 

I just love it. I love that you so quickly went from. Just starting a business too. I have all of these funnels. They may not be perfectly created, but they’re, they’re up and they’re running and I’ve got, you’ve got a real true business that has step one, step two, step three. And I just think it’s amazing. You’ve been able to do this year.

 I do. And it’s really, it’s been a fun ride that I’m looking forward to continuing into next year. 

So what would you say to someone who’s on the fence about working one-to-one with me for a custom marketing strategy for 2020.

 I would say jump in. Don’t wait, don’t think too long. I was like to do something called the gut-check which I call the human pendulum. If you’ve ever seen a pendulum. It’s it’s my human version of that where you ask yourself a question and feel where you feel that in your body. Really check-in because I have a feeling that you want to say yes, but you’re feeling any kind of fear, imposter syndrome, the fear of success, fear of failure, all the fears that I deal with and help other writers deal with, because it it’s amazing to have someone helping you.

Get out of your own head, get out of your own way. Very, very quickly. I mean, it’s insane how quickly we come up with stuff and my brain gets off calls sometimes. I’m like, how did we come up with 8,000 things in 45 minutes? But it’s true. Like, she’s just like, okay, here’s where you’re at. And here’s, I love it.

Let’s go. And I don’t always think that fast and it’s amazing. Cause then I can take away stuff and really implement and it, it really did fast track my first year of business. Feel completely comfortable. I am a lot more comfortable on Instagram than I was. I have a, I have a very solid marketing plan. I didn’t even know was a thing at the beginning of the year.

So yeah, I would say don’t, don’t wait, jump right in. It’s pretty, it’s pretty amazing to have Amanda in your back pocket.

As you know, every time I have a guest on and at the end of every episode, I always asked for book recommendations. So what is one book that everyone should go through? I mean, besides mine as your marketing coach, I need you to say your one of your books. 

So currently the only book I have out right now is my very first novel that I self published it’s available anywhere e-books are sold.

You can also get a paperback copy via Amazon and Barnes and Nobles, and it is called The Art of Lying. And it is a young adult coming of age story.

 Perfect. I will have that in the show notes. Definitely go check it out. Can you ever thank you so much for taking the time to come on here? I really appreciate it.

This was amazing. 

I hope you’ve enjoyed getting this peak behind the scenes with what it’s like when I’m working with clients and just a peek behind the scenes of what it is that they’re accomplishing and how I help them create content that will align with the goals that they have in their business and the funnels that they’re creating.

And if you’re interested in working with me, one-to-one in 2022 to create a strategic custom marketing plan, I don’t know, over to Amanda warfield.com forward slash application. And let’s chat about whether or not this service would be a good fit for you.

I have just 10 total spots for 2022, and some of them are already filled. So if you think that you might want help create in a custom marketing plan, that will help your content align with those business goals that you’ve got for 20, 22 let’s chat. If you’re thinking that sounds amazing, 

and if you’re thinking I would love to work one-on-one with you, but I just know there’s absolutely no way that you can afford it. I’m going to tell you right now that this service is super affordable and I keep it super affordable because I want it to be something that people can continue to do year after year, if they want help from a strategist year after year with their content marketing.

So this is only $250 a month. . I just want to throw that out there because I don’t want. I don’t want you to let that hold you back. So had to, I mean, to orville.com forward slash application, and let’s chat about whether or not you would be a good fit for.

Thank you so much for joining me here today, friend, if you loved this episode, it would mean the world to me. If you’d leave a rating and review, this is a great way to help spread the word about this podcast. Other wonderful women like yourself. Find it. You can find this episode, show notes as well as tons of other great resources over at amandawarfield.com.

And if you aren’t following me on Instagram yet, I’d love to connect with you over there. I’m at Mrs. Amanda Warfield. Shoot me a DM and tell me what you love most about this episode. Thanks for being here, friend. We’ll see you next time.

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