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The Chasing Simple Retreat

Sept. 6 -8, 2024

Your spot for simplicity-focused content marketing, launch strategy, and business

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Let me answer the most common KPI questions I get asked including: Is it really all that important to track them? YES!

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A Look At My KPI Spreadsheet What’s a KPI? What are you supposed to be tracking? How can you use them? Is it really all that important to track them? These questions are some of the most commonly asked ones I get around KPIs, and I figured that if I’m hearing the same questions over […]

Episode 208: Here’s Exactly What I Track in My KPI Spreadsheet

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Choosing The Best Email Provider If you haven’t started your email list – it’s past time my friend. If I had to say there was one type of content marketing that was more important than all of the rest? It would be email marketing. But, the very first step – choosing which email platform to […]

Episode 206: Choosing an Email Provider {Private Podcast Sneak Peak!}

Content Marketing

If I had to say there was one type of content marketing that was more important than all of the rest? It would be email marketing.

4 Marketing Gaps I See My Clients Make When I onboard a new client, there are always standard questions that I ask. One of those being what their current marketing strategy looks like. And over the years, I’ve discovered that there are some very common holes that MOST of my clients have when they come […]

Episode 205: 4 Common Marketing Holes I See with Clients

Content Marketing

I’ve discovered that there are some marketing gaps that MOST of my clients have, but today I'm going to teach you how to fix them.

Steal This Social Media Strategy If social media feels overwhelming right now, you aren’t alone. The constant refrain that I’m hearing is that business owners just don’t know what to do about social media. It’s become overwhelming, it’s harder to see results … it’s just one more thing on top of a lot of other […]

If social media feels overwhelming right now, you aren’t alone. Steal my social media strategy so it stops being so confusing!

The Many Benefits of Podcast Guest Tours with Haylee Gaffin One of my favorite ways to grow my audience is through being a guest on other podcasts. I started doing this during my first year in business, and it’s become the only growth strategy that I’ve used every single year in business. Don’t get me […]

Episode 202: Podcast Tours and the Benefits of Being a Podcast Guest with Haylee Gaffin


Haylee Gaffin share the benefits of going on podcast guest tours like getting more visibility within your business & selling more products.

5 Business Lessons from Walt Disney A few months back, I did an episode on the marketing lessons I’d learned from Taylor Swift. And I had a BLAST creating that episode, and based on the DMs I got, you had a blast listening to it. So, today I wanted to come back with a similar […]

Episode 201: 5 Business Lessons from Walt Disney

Content Marketing

I want to take my passion for Walt Disney and extract the five business lessons I think we can all learn from this major organization.

A Look Back at 6 Years in Business It’s more than a little surreal to be recording my 200th episode of the Chasing Simple podcast. 200 Episodes. 54 incredible guests. And a wonderful team who helps make this happen each and every week. To Haylee and Megan of Gaffin Creative – thank you. This podcast […]

Buckle up and get ready to hear about the last 6 years in business including the ups and downs and the false beliefs.

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