

BONUS: Pre-Order Chasing Simple Marketing!

July 16, 2023

Chasing Simple Marketing

learn the best marketing strategies for your business

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I'm  Amanda — simplicity-focused content marketing strategist.  I'm here to help you fit your marketing into your business.

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diy your marketing strategy

Learn more about grabbing your copy of Chasing Simple Marketing: amandawarfield.com/book/

[00:00:00] Hey there, friend. I’m going to keep this little announcement episode short and sweet. I promise I won’t take up a ton of your time, but I did want to let you know that Chasing Simple Marketing is officially available for pre order. Now, everyone who pre orders is going to get the first chapter sent right to them so they can go ahead and start reading while they wait for their book to arrive.

And then they’re also going to get my KPI tracker template. This template is the one that I use both for myself and for all of my clients so that we can make sure that we’re tracking numbers that actually help us understand how our marketing is working and where we may need to make some improvements within this tracker.

I outlined the various types of revenue streams you may have, whether it’s a membership or a course or a one on one service or something else. And exactly what it is that you should be tracking so that, you know, whether or not your marketing is working, the problem that most of us have with KPIs [00:01:00] is that we either don’t track or we are tracking, but we’re tracking numbers that aren’t really informing our strategy.

We’re tracking things like how many followers we have, which is great to know, but. Doesn’t really tell us what we should be talking about and when, and where we may be having problems within our funnel. And that is the entire purpose of this KVI tracker template. It’s going to help you know what you need to be working on, whether it’s your sales page, whether it’s your top of the funnel, whatever it is, it’s going to let you know where your numbers aren’t matching up to what they need to be or where you can improve them.

So if you would like to grab that tracker template, it is in my shop and you can snag it for 47. Or, you can head to amandawarfield. com slash book, pre order your copy of Chasey’s Noble Marketing and get that tracker template for free as a thank you for pre ordering. Oh, and if I could ask one thing, it would be that if you do pre order, would you mind sharing about it on your Instagram stories or even on [00:02:00] threads and tagging me?

I would love to be able to reshare that and just. Let’s help generate some more buzz for pre order and let more people know that it’s finally available. Thank you genuinely from the very bottom of my heart for being excited about this book. I’ve had so much support over the last year as I have been writing and creating and now launching it and I am just, oh, so very thankful.

So again, you can grab your own copy at amandawarfield.om/book.

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