
Your spot for simplicity-focused content marketing, launch strategy, and business

Chasing SimpleBlog

I wanted to share a sneak peek into my new YouTube channel, where I'm loving the new way to connect with my community already.

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A Peek At My New YouTube Channel You might have heard this mentioned on a previous episode recently, but I started a YouTube channel! Don’t worry – the podcast isn’t going anywhere. But I wanted a way to connect even further with you, so every Monday at 4:00 pm Pacific Time/7:00 pm Eastern Time, I’ll […]

Episode 214: A Peek at My New YouTube Channel

the latest

Adding Digital Product Ideas with Christina Scalera Black Friday is right around the corner, and it can be a great time to introduce a new offer to your audience. In particular, digital product ideas. Ones that you can create systems and automations around, so that you don’t need to be present during the sale – […]

Episode 129: Adding Digital Products as a Revenue Stream with Christina Scalera


Learn how to add digital product ideas into your business this holiday season to streamline sales while still enjoying your family

How To Market A Digital Course Live launching or evergreen launching. Which one is easiest? How do you do them? What do they require? How to market a digital course and, ultimately, which is right for you? In this week’s episode, I’m going to explore each type of “launch”, their pros and cons, and my […]

Episode 123: Course Marketing – Launching vs Evergreen: Which is Right For Your Course?


How to market a digital course for both live and evergreen courses, the pros and cons of each, and which will be best for you

Brand Strategy: Help with common branding mistakes so you can earn consistent income Today I am so excited to share an incredible interview with you all about branding, and how branding can make a difference in your income as a business owner. I’m joined by Bonnie Bakhtiari. She’s a brand strategist and designer for creative […]

Brand strategy help including tips for common branding mistakes that are keeping you from earning consistent income

Want a step-by-step plan for creating strategic content? This episode is for you! I’ll walk you through my 4 steps to strategic content!

Episode 085: 4 Steps to Strategic Content


Want a step-by-step plan for creating strategic content? This episode is for you! I'll walk you through my 4 steps to strategic content!