

How to Find Time to Write My Book

August 11, 2022

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I'm  Amanda — simplicity-focused content marketing strategist.  I'm here to help you fit your marketing into your business.

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July 18, 2022

It’s nearly my birthday and I’ve made very little progress on my book. I told myself I’d launch it on my 30th, and I’m already worried about running out of time. So far, all’s I’ve done is brainstorm and create my rough (and simple) outline. And then I haven’t touched any of it in weeks.

There’s just always so much to do. I’m so blessed to have such a full plate, with a lot of projects and collaborations happening right now. And, of course, there’s prepping for the mastermind launch. And batch weeks. There’s just always something and I never feel like I have the time or mental capacity to get into book writing.

I really need to just go ahead and book a writing retreat. I’ve been thinking about it for months now and need to just do it. Get away and get out of my normal so that I can get the rough draft done.

I also really need to just go ahead and bring Jennifer on as a VA. That way she can free up some of my time. But also, I’m just scared. Scared to make the leap away from solopreneur. Scared to have someone else rely on my business. Scared to dip my toes into leadership.

But I told her months ago that I was going to bring her on, and it’s not like I’ve been doing anything to prepare. I’ve just been ignoring my fears around it. And it’s only for a few hours a month. It’s not like I’m brining in a full-time employee …

Today’s the day to take the step. There’s no way I can keep going at this pace – in fact, I’m looking to up my pace with the book and mastermind – and there’s no way I can do that if I don’t bring on help.

Love and cat-hair hugs,


Follow along on my book writing journey, and read more Book Blog Posts here!

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