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Chasing SimpleBlog

Let's talk about some marketing advice NOT to take. There is a LOT of incredible marketing advice out there, but some of it's just garbage.

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Marketing Advice NOT To Take There is a LOT of marketing advice out there. Some of it is truly incredible. Some of it is incredible for the right people at the right time. And some of it? Is a terrible hunk of garbage. Today, I wanted to talk about 7 of the worst pieces of […]

Episode 221: Marketing Advice NOT to Take

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Power Your Business with a Content Engine One of the best ways to make the most of your marketing time is by building a content engine. You want to power your engine with your content and drive people throughout your various platforms and spaces online (and your offers!). Essentially, you can think of a content […]

Episode 219: Power Your Business with a Content Engine

Content Marketing

One of the best ways to make the most of your marketing time is by building a content engine which will drive people to your offers!

Content Batching Tips: Stop Waiting For Inspiration To Strike One of the top reasons business owners tell me they couldn’t possibly batch is because they prefer to create their content only when they’re feeling inspired. And while in theory that’s great, in practice, you’re actually doing more harm than good by waiting for creativity to […]

Episode 218: Stop Waiting for Creativity to Strike: Use This Content Batching Tip

Content Batching

Here are some content batching tips to help you stop waiting for inspiration to strike and still be able to successfully batch your content.

Tools That Help Keep Up With Marketing Demands There’s nothing I love more than a great business tool that will help me simplify a process. And when it comes to marketing, I obviously love all of the tools. Right now, everyone is talking about AI and ChatGPT – for good reason. But I wanted to […]

I wanted to go back to basics with you a bit and discuss 5 tools (outside of ChatGPT) that are helpful for keeping up with marketing demands.

A Peek At My New YouTube Channel You might have heard this mentioned on a previous episode recently, but I started a YouTube channel! Don’t worry – the podcast isn’t going anywhere. But I wanted a way to connect even further with you, so every Monday at 4:00 pm Pacific Time/7:00 pm Eastern Time, I’ll […]

Episode 214: A Peek at My New YouTube Channel


I wanted to share a sneak peek into my new YouTube channel, where I'm loving the new way to connect with my community already.

Marketing Strategist vs Social Media Manager When it comes to marketing, there are about a million different people that can help you improve what you’re doing. And we all sort of overlap, and we all have different skills and it can get pretty confusing. One of the most common questions I get is if I […]

Episode 210: Marketing Strategist vs Social Media Manager


I wanted to share a bit about how marketing strategist differs from a social media manager, and how you can utilize both for your business.

Choosing The Best Email Provider If you haven’t started your email list – it’s past time my friend. If I had to say there was one type of content marketing that was more important than all of the rest? It would be email marketing. But, the very first step – choosing which email platform to […]

If I had to say there was one type of content marketing that was more important than all of the rest? It would be email marketing.