
Your spot for simplicity-focused content marketing, launch strategy, and business

Chasing SimpleBlog

I’ve discovered that there are some marketing gaps that MOST of my clients have, but today I'm going to teach you how to fix them.

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4 Marketing Gaps I See My Clients Make When I onboard a new client, there are always standard questions that I ask. One of those being what their current marketing strategy looks like. And over the years, I’ve discovered that there are some very common holes that MOST of my clients have when they come […]

Episode 205: 4 Common Marketing Holes I See with Clients

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Marketing Secrets | What You Don’t See in Someone’s Marketing When it comes to entrepreneurship, it’s very easy to get swept away in how successful everyone else is… the successful launches, new offers, client wins…. and miss out on the struggles happening behind the scenes…. the missed client payments, the refund requests, and missed deadlines, […]

Episode 196: Marketing Secrets – What You Don’t See in Someone’s Marketing

Content Marketing

I want to share 4 marketing secrets - things that most, if not all, entrepreneurs are experiencing that you WON’T see them talking about.

My 2024 Marketing Predictions You’ve heard last year’s predictions, you’ve heard my evaluation of my 2023 predictions; now it’s time to give you my 2024 marketing predictions. I’ve got 6 predictions for you this year, and one really important action step to help take your marketing and your business to the next level in 2024. […]

Episode 190: My 2024 Marketing Predictions

Content Marketing

What I Got Wrong in My 2023 Predictions Last week on the show, I re-aired my 2023 marketing predictions. And today, I want to share more about how those predictions worked out. Because I believe it’s important to evaluate what truly happened this year in marketing before we can predict what’s to come in the […]

Evaluating what truly happened this year in marketing before we can predict what’s to coming in the new year.

Facebook Group Marketing Ideas with Elizabeth Henson Are Facebook Groups dead? I was convinced they were, but I was seeing my friend Elizabeth have tremendous success not only in her own business, but for her clients as well. So I set out to discover … are Facebook groups truly dead, and if not – how […]

Episode 176: Facebook Communities Aren’t Dead?! with Elizabeth Henson

Content Marketing

Facebook groups aren't dead! Elizabeth Henson has tried and true marketing ideas to help you flourish and thrive on FB.

How To Get Your Audience to Engage with Your Content Tired of putting out content and hearing crickets? You’re using calls to action, you’re asking questions, and yet no one ever responds. Your inbox is empty, your dms are empty, and it just feels like no one is paying attention. The good news is that […]

Episode 175: How to Get Your Audience to Engage with Your Content

Content Marketing

How to get your audience to engage with your content doesn't need to be a mystery if you follow these simple steps.

9 Content Ideas for When You’re in a Creative Slump We all have them – creativity slumps. As you know, one of the reasons I’m such a huge proponent of batching is to decrease these slumps, but they still happen. Sometimes it’s time to create content and you just don’t have any ideas on what […]

9 content ideas for when you've hit a creative slump giving you 45 different ideas you can save for those days you're not feeling it.