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Chasing SimpleBlog

I thought I’d pull back the curtain and share the two reasons I ultimately scrapped my retreat launch halfway through.

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Why I Scrapped My Retreat Launch I scrapped my retreat launch last month. In fact, I scrapped the entire retreat (for 2024 at least). This is something I always always advise clients to never do, and yet here I am breaking my own rules. So, I thought I’d pull back the curtain and share the […]

Episode 215: Why I Scrapped my Retreat Launch

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An Exact Breakdown of Using Sales Funnels to Set Goals If I told myself in year 1 that in year 7 I had 3500 IG followers … well, I would be appalled and probably give up on my business before it ever really got started. Now, I know that those numbers I was so focused […]

Episode 209: An Exact Breakdown of Using Sales Funnels to Set Goals


Today I’m going to share more about the numbers that actually matter - and how you can use sales funnels to set goals based on that number.

A Look Back at 6 Years in Business It’s more than a little surreal to be recording my 200th episode of the Chasing Simple podcast. 200 Episodes. 54 incredible guests. And a wonderful team who helps make this happen each and every week. To Haylee and Megan of Gaffin Creative – thank you. This podcast […]

Episode 200: A Look Back at 6 Years in Business

Content Marketing

Buckle up and get ready to hear about the last 6 years in business including the ups and downs and the false beliefs.

Bookkeeping and Business Finances with Madison Brown I have a confession: business finances have been a sorely neglected topic here on Chasing Simple. And for that, I apologize. Frankly, it ironically mimics how our finances are treated in our businesses as well. But we’re working on correcting that (both on the podcast, and within our […]

Madison Brown understands how confidence in your bookkeeping and business finances fuels the growth you deserve.

My 2024 Goals Last year, I didn’t set very many goals. I’ll get into more of why and what that looked like in this episode, but for 2024 I’m back to setting goals. So, as we ease into this new year together, I thought it would be fun to take you behind the scenes of […]

Episode 194: Conversations Over Coffee – My 2024 Goals (And a Life Update!)


I thought it would be fun to take you behind the scenes of my 2024 goals and how I plan to accomplish them.

What I Got Wrong in My 2023 Predictions Last week on the show, I re-aired my 2023 marketing predictions. And today, I want to share more about how those predictions worked out. Because I believe it’s important to evaluate what truly happened this year in marketing before we can predict what’s to come in the […]

Episode 189: What I Got Wrong in My 2023 Predictions


Evaluating what truly happened this year in marketing before we can predict what’s to coming in the new year.

Business Mindset Shifts with Hayley Luckadoo If you’ve been listening to this month’s episodes, you know that I am feeling very strongly about avoiding burnout this year. (Both for myself and for you!) Last week I shared a bit about my own experience and how that’s affecting the goals I’ve set for this year, and […]

Business Mindset Shifts with Hayley Luckadoo that will help us chase our goals differently and avoid burnout.