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Keep Your Marketing Messaging On Brand (Without Getting Bored)
Are you feeling uninspired when you sit down to create content? Do you feel completely out of ideas for what to say, or talk about? Have you said it all, more than once?
If you’re feeling this way, this episode is for you. I’m going to share three ways for you to spice up your messaging so that you can continue to show up for your people, share your messaging, and bring in those clients – without getting bored.
Because it doesn’t matter if you have the best messaging in the world if your audience doesn’t hear you talk about it.
Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
- This week’s episode is brought to you by the Chasing Simple Content Planner and you can grab your own at amandawarfield.com/planner/
- Are you looking to improve your content without spending a ton of time and mental energy doing so? Whether you’re looking for help knowing what to talk about, setting up content systems, or improving your launch strategy, the Chasing Simple Shop has something for you. From A Year of Content Prompts broken up by type of content, to my Launch Strategy Mini-Course – the Chasing Simple Shop is the quick and simple way to take your content to the next level. And you can get 10% off any item by using the code LISTENER at checkout! Just head to amandawarfield.com/shop/ and again, that code for 10% off is LISTENER!
- This week’s action step: If you haven’t revisited your brand and offer messaging this year, put a date on your calendar to do so!
- This week’s book recommendations: Part of Your World by Abby Jimenez. Rare 5 stars. And Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller
- Find me on Instagram and tell me you completed this week’s action step: @mrsamandawarfield
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Rather Read? – Here’s the Transcript!
*Just a heads up – the provided transcript is likely to not be 100% accurate
Are you feeling uninspired when you sit down to create content? Do you feel completely out of ideas for what to say or talk about? Have you said it all more than once? If you’re feeling this way, this episode is for you because I’m going to share three ways for you to spice up your messaging so that you can continue to show up for your people, share your messaging, and bring in those clients without getting bored.
Because it doesn’t matter if you have the best messaging in the world. If your audience doesn’t hear you talk about it. You’re listening to episode 156 of the Chasing Symbol Podcast. And I’m your host, Amanda Warfield. This episode was brought to you by the Chasing Simple Content Planner, and you can grab your own at amanda warfield.com/planner.
How do I run a successful business from my home? How can I possibly wear all of the hats? Am I the only one that struggles with staying organized? What am I supposed to do about work-life [00:01:00] balance? How can I create a solid schedule and routine? How do I even stay productive? And the biggest question of all, how do I manage it all?
And can I really create a business that I love without being chained in my laptop? Welcome to The Chasing Simple Podcast, hard conversations and Actionable Education meet. I’m your host, Amanda Warfield, time management coach, online educator, and crazy Cat mama. My mission is to help overwhelm biz owners get more done and less time so that they have more time and energy for what matters most.
If you feel overwhelmed or occasionally lost in the rollercoaster that is entrepreneurship, I want you to know that you aren’t. Those things you’re feeling, you aren’t the first or the last to feel that way. The hard things you’re going through, someone else has already been there too. Each week I’ll bring you transparent conversations, actionable steps, and a judgment free community to encourage and equip you.
So grab yourself a cup of coffee or whenever your drink of choice [00:02:00] is and meet me here each week for love. Practical tips and advice on simplifying your biz. Let’s do this entrepreneurship thing together, shall we?
Are you looking to improve your content without spending a ton of time and mental energy doing so? Whether you’re looking for help, knowing what to talk about, setting up content systems. Or improving your launch strategy. The Chasing Simple Shop has something for you from a year of content prompts broken up by type of content to my launch strategy mini course, which will teach you my entire strategy for launching your upcoming online course.
The Chasing Simple Shop is the quick and simple way to take your content to the next level, and you can get 10% off. Any item just for being a listener of the Chasing Civil Podcast by using the Code Listener at checkout, just head to amanda warfield.com/shop. And again, that code for 10% off [00:03:00] is listener.
I wanna kick this off with just a quick and friendly reminder that if you are having these feelings, you are probably most likely the only one that’s actually bored. Your audience does not see and listen to and watch enough of your content to truly be bored with your messaging. They’re not. They’re just not.
That’s just a fact of the matter, how the algorithm works, how marketing works. They are not bored. You are the only one that’s bored, but I also know that it can be difficult to show up and create content when you are bored, which is typically the place where people start to outsource their marketing and get some help with it because they’re bored and they don’t know what else to say.
But friendly reminder, you’re the only one that’s bored right now. That being said, in order to keep things not so boring for you, so that you continue to show up, let’s talk about some ways that you can. [00:04:00] Stay on brand with your messaging without giddy board. And inside of the content planner, the Chasing Simple Content Planner, I have some of these questions already outlined.
So if you do have the planner already, you’ll have seen these things inside of your monthly prep work, and this is why they’re in there because it’s a quick and easy way to shift your messaging, just the tiniest bit to make it not boring while still staying on brand. So the first question I want you to ask yourself every month when you are preparing to sit down and plan out your content for the month is what is currently affecting your niche?
And what I mean by this is what is happening? in your niche, in your sphere that you could talk towards. So for example, maybe it’s November, if you are a business to business provider, maybe it’s November and you know [00:05:00] that Black Friday is coming up and that your audience is in full sprint mode with, okay, we’ve however many weeks, two, three weeks to Black Friday, we are wrapping things up for the year. Basically. We know that in the business space, a lot of us take December. Just a total step back, we know that November is a sprint month, and so how can you take that information about it being just a full out sprint and tweak it to your current messaging?
If you are a copywriter, maybe that means you’re giving tips for how to craft messaging that’s gonna stand out when it’s crowded in November. If you are a mindset coach for business owners, maybe you’re giving tips for keeping your mindset strong when comparison sets in, because everyone’s selling something right now.
Maybe you’re a podcast editor and you’re messaging is all about how you can [00:06:00] repurpose old episodes. For the December episodes, because you’ll be creating December content, November hopefully, and here’s what you can do over December because downloads are low. So maybe try out this type of episode. Maybe you are repurposing, maybe you take a break.
Maybe that’s your messaging for the month of November is what can you do in December with your podcast? Let’s say your business to consumer, and let’s say you create planner stickers and your messaging in November is all about planning for Thanksgiving and maybe, maybe you create a whole new set of stickers that is just to help someone plan out their Thanksgiving menu.
I don’t know. Maybe you are a wellness coach and you’re helping. Your writing content that’s going to talk about how to. Healthy choices without guilt or how to make choices, maybe not [00:07:00] healthy choices, maybe how you’re gonna make eating choices that don’t make you spiral with guilt, but also aren’t restrictive.
Maybe you teach people how to clean their homes well, and you are focusing on how they can best prepare their homes for holiday guests. What you wanna think about is what is happening right now. The world in my niche and how can I change my messaging around that? So this can be something like a holiday, like November.
Obviously in America, we’re gearing up for Thanksgiving and then the holiday season, but it can also be something that is just happening in your niche. For example, right now as I’m recording this, AI copywriting is big. Um, chat, G B t Canva’s got a new magic tool, I don’t remember exactly what it’s called.
All of these different AI tools are coming up that help people create content, and it has been said more than [00:08:00] once lately that, oh, copywriters chat, C B T, whatever is coming for your job. . That’s a whole conversation that’s currently affecting my niche that I can speak into, which spoiler alert, it’s not coming for my job.
And I’m gonna have a guest on the podcast here soon, and we’re gonna talk more about that. But that’s something that’s really specific just to the marketing industry right now that’s affecting my niche. If you’re a health coach that does, that means nothing to your people, right? So that’s the first thing you wanna consider each month as you go to play in your content.
What’s currently affecting my niche and how can I take my messaging and combine it with that to have something new to say this month that’s really not new, but just reaffirms my messaging. The next thing I want you to look at is what is happening in pop culture and current events right now? You know, it’s funny.
In ninth grade history class, we had to do a current events project, and at the time I [00:09:00] thought it was so stupid and I thought, when am I ever gonna use this? And here we are today. Um, but what’s happening in current events right now, what’s happening in pop culture? And this could be something that you tie closely to your messaging, like with something that’s currently affecting your niche or this is great for popping in those little witty takes, those little sentences in your copy that really make people connect with it and make it stand out.
So for example, when Taylor Swift released midnights, that was something happening in pop culture that I did and could plug into my content just as a reference, not as an all out post about midnights, but just as a reference inside of copy and inside of content that I could reference something that I really enjoy.
Another big [00:10:00] pop culture thing that happened recently was, uh, the Meghan and Harry documentary and then Prince Harry’s book, right? Like that was a big cultural phenomenon that people were talking about a lot. Popping in some kind of reference to either of those just helps people connect with your content a little bit more, and it makes it fresh. Those are the kind of things though that if you’re reusing content, you’ll have to find new pop culture references for when you reuse it, but definitely worth putting in there and just writing out your content and then going back over it and saying, Hmm, what’s happening in pop culture right now that I can slip in and this is why it’s one of the questions in the planner prep work each month is just what’s happening, so that when you’re going over your content with a, that fresh eye and you’re polishing your content each month, you can look at that list and go, Hmm, how could I slip a reverence to this in there? And it just makes it so much easier.
And then the last. I have for helping yourself to not feel bored with your content is to [00:11:00] really pay attention to what your audience is asking you and how they are asking you. In the planner. Towards the back, there’s a whole page where I encourage you to write down any questions you get, anytime you get a question through Instagram, through your email from someone else’s audience.
I really, really, really encourage you. To go in there and write down that question because when it comes to creating content the next month, that’s a piece of content that you can really easily take and create and put your own messaging on. But not only the question they’re asking is important, but how they’re asking you.
Because taking those little phrases and utilizing them again in your content is going to help people connect even better with your messaging, and it’s going to keep your messaging feeling fresh. It’s gonna give it a little bit of a. Here’s the thing though that I want you to remember is that you, your messaging is not set it and forget it.
You should honestly constantly be tweaking your messaging, which is why inside of the Chasing Simple Content Planner, [00:12:00] I have all of these different places and different things for you to be thinking about on a monthly basis. But on top of that, I really recommend that every single year you. Refresh your content messaging as a whole, your brand messaging as a whole, your offer messaging for each individual offer.
That should be an ongoing process where you are just consistently going through and, okay, what’s my messaging for this part of my business? What’s my messaging for this part of my business? What’s my messaging for this part of my business? And just maybe every single month say, okay, this month I’m going to do a refresh for my overall brand, and this month I’m gonna do a refresh for this arm of my business, and this month I’m going to do a refresh for this off our messaging, and so on and so forth.
So that you are making sure that you’re constantly on top of your messaging, and that’s not to say that you’ll have drastic changes over time. The changes get smaller and smaller and smaller, but with each new client and student that you [00:13:00] get, You discover a little bit more about what you love about your business and how you can help people.
And so it’s always worth that refresh once a year to look back and say, okay, here’s my messaging right now. Does this still feel aligned? How can I make this better? And if you need help with the refresh of your messaging, I highly recommend the Building a Story brand book by Donald Miller. It really walks you through that pre messaging and gives you a good solid structure for how you can refresh it, um, and just quickly refresh it each year instead of having to reread the book every year. But highly recommend doing that. And if you are still wanting even more ways to get inspired for your content, if you have not already, go back and listen to episode number 69 “Seven Places Defined Content Inspiration”.
This week’s action step is that if you haven’t revisited your brand and offer messaging this year, just put a date on your calendar to do so. You don’t have to buy the book, you don’t have to set up how you’re gonna [00:14:00] do it. Just pick a date on your calendar and put it on there so that you can. Give yourself that time to update your messaging.
And this week’s book recommendation is part of your world by Abby Jimenez. I gotta be completely honest with you, I don’t really remember what happened in this book, but it did get a rare five stars. So, and I, I very, very, very, very, very seldom give a book Five Stars, especially a fiction book, especially a meat, cute fiction book.
They, the most they ever get really is for. So this was a rare five stars. If you like Meat Cutes, highly, highly recommend part of your world by Abby Jimenez. And with that, my friend, I hope that you’ll go out and uncomplicate your life in biz.
Thank you so much for joining me here today, friend. If you loved this episode, it would mean the world to me if you’d leave a rating and review. This is a great way to help spread the word about this podcast. Help other wonderful women like yourself find it. You can find this episode show notes as well as [00:15:00] tons of other great resources over@amandawarfield.com.
And if you aren’t following me on Instagram yet, I’d love to connect with you over there. I’m at Mrs. Amanda Warfield. Shoot me a DM and tell me what you love most about this episode. Thanks for being here, friend. I’ll see you next time.
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