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The Chasing Simple Retreat

Sept. 6 -8, 2024

Your spot for simplicity-focused content marketing, launch strategy, and business

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I’ve discovered that there are some marketing gaps that MOST of my clients have, but today I'm going to teach you how to fix them.

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4 Marketing Gaps I See My Clients Make When I onboard a new client, there are always standard questions that I ask. One of those being what their current marketing strategy looks like. And over the years, I’ve discovered that there are some very common holes that MOST of my clients have when they come […]

Episode 205: 4 Common Marketing Holes I See with Clients

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The Many Benefits of Podcast Guest Tours with Haylee Gaffin One of my favorite ways to grow my audience is through being a guest on other podcasts. I started doing this during my first year in business, and it’s become the only growth strategy that I’ve used every single year in business. Don’t get me […]

Episode 202: Podcast Tours and the Benefits of Being a Podcast Guest with Haylee Gaffin


Haylee Gaffin share the benefits of going on podcast guest tours like getting more visibility within your business & selling more products.

The Social Media Content Buckets Strategy Ahh, the social media content buckets strategy. It’s one of the most talked about, but least explained content strategies out there. So we’re going to dive into it – what it is, and why I don’t think it’s a very good strategy. Instead, I highly encourage you to consider […]

Episode 168: The Social Media Bucket Strategy


The social media content bucket strategy is one of the most talked about, but least explained content strategies out there so let's discuss!

Sneak Peek: A Chapter from Chasing Simple Marketing It is officially July, which means we are mere DAYS away from the Launch of Chasing Simple Marketing. Right now, I am eating, sleeping, daydreaming all things book launch, so I thought it would be fun to come back in with another read of a chapter. Way […]

We are mere DAYS away from the launch of my first book, so here's a Sneak Peek of Chasing Simple Marketing

How To Plan Content For Each Specific Platform It’s not enough to decide you’re going to create content for a certain platform, and then expect it to grow your business. Showing up on any given platform is nuanced, and each platform has it’s own purpose. Which is why you find creators showing up on every […]

Episode 154: Creating a Content Strategy That Works: Leveraging the Strengths of Each Platform

Content Marketing

Planning content for each specific platform takes strategy, organization, and knowledge - let me help you with all of that today.

Social Media Management For Small Business Today, I’m going to share 4 ways you can making social media management for small business easier and help your SMM get the results you’re looking for. If you’ve ever worked with a Social Media Manager, you probably hired them hoping to see major growth on your social media […]

Episode 132: Why Your Social Media Manager May Not Be Getting the Results You’re Looking For

Content Marketing

4 ways you can make social media management for your small business easier and get the results you are looking for without losing your mind

Small Business Systems That Make Batch Week Possible One of the most frequently asked questions I get about batch week is “how do you have time for it”? For many, it’s unfathomable that I can set aside one week each month just for creating content. And I’m about to blow your mind even further. Not […]

Learn about the small business systems that I use to make my batch week possible so I can put out quality content month after month

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