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Chasing SimpleBlog

Destini Copp teaches us how to convert leads into customers by using evergreen funnels in this very practical episode.

Episode 183: How to Convert Leads Into Immediate Customers (Tripwires, Order Bumps, Upsells, Downsells Oh MY) with Destini Copp

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Convert Leads Into Customers With Destini Copp Tripwires, Order Bumps, Upsells, One Time Offers, Downsells …. oh my. What are they? Words that are used interchangeably but mean the same thing? Do they have different meanings? How do we use them? When do we use them? What is the purpose of each … If your […]

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Episode 181: Recession-Proof Your Business with Accessible Offers

Recession-Proof Your Business With Accessible Offers It’s no secret that spending habits have shifted dramatically in the last three years. If you saw record high sales in 2020, you’re likely not experiencing those same numbers today. Business owner after business owner has mentioned to me that they’re worried about their numbers being down, and we’re […]


Take a BTS peek into my own recession-proof strategy for 2023 and beyond by creating accessible products and offers.

Episode 178: Create a Course Your Students Actually Complete with Mara Kucirek

Create A Course Online with Mara Kucirek Too often, the focus of adding a course to our businesses is what that course can do for us – how it will improve our businesses, and how we can ensure we have the best course launch ever. And while I am really passionate about helping other educators […]


Learn how to create a course online that elevates the student's experience so they will actually want to complete and learn.

How To Get Your Audience to Engage with Your Content Tired of putting out content and hearing crickets? You’re using calls to action, you’re asking questions, and yet no one ever responds. Your inbox is empty, your dms are empty, and it just feels like no one is paying attention. The good news is that […]

How to get your audience to engage with your content doesn't need to be a mystery if you follow these simple steps.

Episode 165: Refine Your Marketing Messaging Framework (and Showcase Your Expertise) With These 4 Questions

Refining Your Marketing Messaging Framework If creating marketing materials – content, sales pages, emails, etc – feels like pulling teeth, you might need to pass off your marketing to a strategist like me. But, you also just might need to spend some time refining your messaging and creating a framework. Having a marketing messaging framework […]


Having a strong marketing message framework is an important aspect of speeding up the process and showcasing YOU!

Episode 163: 10 Lead Generation Strategies for Small Businesses

10 Lead Generation Strategies For Small Businesses In order to make sales, you’ve got to have an audience to sell to. But how in the world are you supposed to find those people? You’ve been showing up on social media, you created a podcast, and yet all’s you’re hearing is crickets. Unfortunately, when it comes […]


In today’s episode I’m sharing 10 different lead generation strategies that you can put in place to grow your small business.

Conversations Over Coffee – May 2023 We’re back for another quarterly conversations over coffee episode, and I am so excited you’re here. I’m pulling the curtain way back this week to share what’s been happening behind the scenes in both of my business, as well as personally. AND I’m sharing about a brand new big […]

monthly conversations over coffee for may 2023 on the chasing simple podcast