
Your spot for simplicity-focused content marketing, launch strategy, and business

Chasing SimpleBlog

You are the master of your time. Your time does not run you, and if you feel like it is, tune in to hear how you can take back your time.

Episode 038: You are the Master of Your Time

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You are the master of your time. Your time does not run you, and if you feel like it is, tune in to hear how you can take back your time.

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Episode 036: My Unpopular Opinion about Investing in Your Business

Investing in your business should not be taken lightly. You aren’t playing with monopoloy money, and frankly, numbers are black and white.


Investing in your business should not be taken lightly. You aren't playing with monopoloy money, and frankly, numbers are black and white.

Episode 035: Ashlyn Carter on Loving Your Work Without Letting it Consume You

Work and hustle — those aren’t bad things. It’s great if you love what you do! The problem comes when we allow our business to consume us.


Work and hustle — those aren't bad things. It's great if you love what you do! The problem comes when we allow our business to consume us.

Taking time off from your business can feel really scary. This podcast episode is going to show you how to create a strong plan to do so.

Taking time off from your business can feel really scary. This podcast episode is going to show you how to create a strong plan to do so.

Episode 032: A Roadmap to Attracting Great Clients through Branding with Alexis Campbell

The importance of knowing exactly who you want to serve & attracting great clients through branding in order to avoid burnout.


The importance of knowing exactly who you want to serve & attracting great clients through branding in order to avoid burnout.

Episode 031: Grow Your Business Without Playing the Numbers Game

If you want to stop with the numbers game: the quotas, the bots, the hashtag searches and not feel spammy and gross — there’s a better way.


If you want to stop with the numbers game: the quotas, the bots, the hashtag searches and not feel spammy and gross — there's a better way.

I created these episodes to pull back the curtain of my life & business and make it feel like we are sitting down for coffee together.

I created these episodes to pull back the curtain of my life & business and make it feel like we are sitting down for coffee together.